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I must be doing things the wrong way...



I decided to do a full detail on my car this weekend. I got lucky with washing the car (2 bucket method) before the rain storm came back again. 

My car is a Blue metallic color. 

So then I got to work....and things started off a bit wrong.

First I didn't have any other tape besides the regular blue painters tape that's wide. Going to the store was out of the question as I had no spare car available and i didn't want to get mine dirty again, so i figured i can get away with it.....wrong.

Claybar was done.


Second, for some reason, I CANNOT seem to get rid of certain "marks" on the car. I have done about 2 passes of severe swirl remover on speed 6 using the flex. I would not call them swirls, in fact, probably far from that. They are more like just semi circles in certain places, and just straight lines in others. It seems to have improved a bit but still didn't get rid of them all the way. After trying it on different panels, doing more passes and some with swirl and haze remover, it didnt seem to  get  much better so i just finished off the entire car doing SSR, followed by SHR and the FMP.


I can still see them but only when I have the halogen light pointing at the car from the side and I get up close.

Am I being too picky? or am I doing something wrong here?


Third, How much pressure is the right amount of pressure for the flex? I realized i wore myself out because i was putting on a lot more than i should have. I read somewhere 10lbs is a good amount and i know for a fact i put way more than that, probably like 20 or something haha. I checked on a scale and 10lbs seemed "light" 


Fourth, I didn't wipe down between each application of SSR, SHR and FMP. I did all the passes with those, and then started to wipe down after I was done with all 3. It was a bit rough to remove at some points but with a little bit extra work the residue came off.


And lastly, I'm planning on putting, Machine Sealant, Glaze, and buttery wax tomorrow. I'm assuming i should wipe after each application of those, correct? 


Thanks in advance! 

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You might be too picky, but We all are here so that is not the problem... You might check your pad for a hidden dingle berry for lack of a better term. A hard spot in the foam that may have got to hot? Or a dried piece of polish, or other contaminant that may be introducing the random pattern. Long shot but I recently had a pad with a hard spot of foam in it

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