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Customer Service 866.965.0400

I got a little mad yesterday


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What's your company's policy on physical assault? Find out, then test the limit.


I HATE people who think it's funny or clever to write on your car like that. "What?? It's dirty, you were gonna clean it anyway." They have no idea that they may as well have used sand paper instead of their finger. Ignorant people should leave things that they don't understand alone, especially when it comes to someone else's property.

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I would be fuming. My parents wedding anniversary was today. This picture was posted on Facebook by a family friend. I do not want to know what my dad said when he saw this..


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Oh my goodness!

I would have been LIVID!


I know that when I get married or have any kind of milestone anniversaries, etc...my vehicles will be locked down and no one will be able to find them.


I hope it didn't destroy your paint too bad. :o

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If it was a male I would be drinking beer out of his empty skull right now.  People know not even to do that to ANY of my rides because I would more than likely re-arrange their facial bits and pieces, among other things. :angry:   Heck my Jeep has the clear coat coming off of it from a bad paint job and people know not to touch it. 


Tony has a good idea if it does happen to be a lady but even still, proper education of what they just did goes a long way.  Then again, if it's someone who just flat out doesn't care about anything, you may as well be preaching to the choir.  :rolleyes:

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