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It nice to know that us, as avid car care fans, ultimately control draught and flood based on our decisions to wash or not wash. 


My truck was a hot mess... hadn't been washed in weeks b/c I'd been too busy... wash it thrursday, its been raining on and off ever since. 

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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DUUUUUUUUUDE You have no idea! The past 5 washes I gave my truck recently with no rain in the forecast, a huge dark cloud produces a thunder shower right as I finish.


So on Saturday I checked the weather radar and nothing in site. Finished the truck and just as I bring in all the gear in comes the thunder shower. My wife laughs and says, "The Great White Curse gotcha again eh!"

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Last Wednesday there was a 20% chance of a shower. Morning starts out beautiful so I decide to wash the Coly after a month (since Indiana has a monsoon season now). As I finish up and get everything put away it clouds up. An hour later a pop up severe storm that produced pea sized hail hit. I was like, well...at least it was clean for an hour. Ha. On a happier note, the QS/BG/Americana still beads up awesome after 2 months as well as the glass sealant that's been holding up since last winter.

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Annoying part is, I was set to do my first batch of ribs on the smoker (first time since we moved here since the yard is now done) but the forecast says 60%+ chance of severe thunderstorms. So not wanting to start a 4-5 hour process only to get rained out I didn't.


Of course... it never rained. Then today it just starts dumping again... mother nature is being a real... well... ya know. 

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I've come to learn that if the forecast here in NorCal is 10-20% chance of precipitation...it means 110% chance. I've was burned some many times this past spring thinking that a 10% chance meant it was very unlikely...but ended pouring anyway.

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This very thing happened to me today, only it happened as I was setting up to strip wash the 55. It was gorgeous this morning, with maybe 10-20% chance of rain the rest of the day. I should of known though, it has rained just about everyday here since getting home. With a strip wash, I suppose it doesn't matter that much, but still!

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Reminds me of when I was in High School.  Honestly it didn't matter if I washed my car that day or 2 weeks later.  It would rain that day or the next, and it would be dry with nothing in between.  And it went that way all summer long.  To the point to where the neighbor lady would tell me to wash my car so it would rain.  


The whole month of June it didn't rain at all.  Got a little sprinkle on my dusty car which made it dirty on July 3rd.  Wash my car on the evening of the 4th of July and it dumps that night.  To the point that it washed out the gutters.

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DUUUUUUUUUDE You have no idea! The past 5 washes I gave my truck recently with no rain in the forecast, a huge dark cloud produces a thunder shower right as I finish.


So on Saturday I checked the weather radar and nothing in site. Finished the truck and just as I bring in all the gear in comes the thunder shower. My wife laughs and says, "The Great White Curse gotcha again eh!"


Hey I didn't know she was Canadian!  :P   I know the feeling tho.  Washed mine for the first time in a while and what does it do the next day when it's suppose to be 'clear'?  Yep, rains all day.  Now we are in a 'heatwave' and not suppose to get any rain until Friday.  If I drove the car to work tho it would rain every day I did so.  It's an omen.

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It nice to know that us, as avid car care fans, ultimately control draught and flood based on our decisions to wash or not wash. 


My truck was a hot mess... hadn't been washed in weeks b/c I'd been too busy... wash it thrursday, its been raining on and off ever since.


The rain started happening in CO because I was in CO Thursday thru Saturday. When I get there full time monsoon season will become a drought again. It's funny our realtor was caught in a mudslide. Wtf?

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