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Customer Service 866.965.0400
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I'm pretty sure everyone here has seen this car



I'm a diesel technician and work on RTD buses ( local transit buses). This past Saturday I was rebuilding and engine minding my own business in the corner of the shop when I hear this car come into the shop that sounded pretty mean. I turn around and there is a beautiful 1932 Ford! I immediately drop my tools to check it out.


I started talking to the Kevin , the owner of the car and he said he was getting ready to go to a car show. I told him to make sure and stop by an Adams booth as I knew they were gonna be there. Then he tells me yea I know Adams , this car is on their bottles! I knew this car looked familiar! Kevin began to search his car for a bottle and couldn't find one , so I ran to my box and grabbed a bottle . Got a few pics! It was nice to see the beautiful car in person! The owner was so nice he wanted me to sit in it and take pics but I was full of oil and grease lol




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What a small world indeed. It is a beautiful car. Some of you might wonder why he was in our shop. Well he is a QC inspector for our buses and he stopped by to just take the top off the car and store in the shop. When I found out he was QC I thought I could be in trouble for not having my safety glasses on or something hahaha.

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