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MLB Post Season Bracket...

Team Adam's

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While I agree that the bat-flip was wrong under the circumstances I really don't have a problem with his exuberance.   The days of the stoic, Mickey Mantle-like young ball-player may be over.  Some of these kids are good, they know they're good, and they make a pant-load of cash right at the jump.  It's a different world than the old-days of "paying dues".


When a player wears his emotions (Harper comes to mind) we shouldn't be suprised. Hopefully a more senior player will take them aside and tell them "we don't do that here" but it's pretty easy to ignore that message when you have 60 mil in the bank and you're the talk of the baseball world.


Puig's antics make me shake my head.  But they also make me WATCH!


Reminds me a bit of Ricky Henderson.  Dude was a major league hot-dog w/ extra mustard.  Couldn't take my eyes off him.

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... but Ricky was consistent, and his arrogance came with consistent, dominant performances. Puig hasn't even been in a full year yet, and he has gone thru streaks where he has looked utterly lost at the plate. 


Not saying he won't do better, not saying he hasn't done better... but that scene last night was complete bush league for a guy that was a big goose egg at the plate before that and didn't actually get it out of the park. 

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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Yeah - Ricky was a bad example, what with the HOF and all...


Again - I don't disagree.  There's something very appealing about a young superstar dropping his head and running it out like a 20 year pro.  My point is that he might be a dying breed.   The kids these days like the hotshots.  As do the 24h sports networks.

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There's something very appealing about a young superstar dropping his head and running it out like a 20 year pro.  My point is that he might be a dying breed.   The kids these days like the hotshots.  As do the 24h sports networks.


All the more reason I am a huge Mike Trout fan... and I'd say that regardless of who he played for, we just so happen to be lucky enough to call him a Halo. 


Never showboats, always hustles. Doesn't matter if its a guaranteed out or a bang-bang play at first... he runs hard out of the box no matter what. Never bat flips, never shows up the pitcher. The kid was taught and brought up right and clearly respects the game despite the constant lauding of "best player in the game". 


The closest he's ever come to showing anyone up was that posterized homerun robbery in Baltimore last year... but even then it wasn't over the top and Torii immediately put him back on earth. 


League needs more young stars like him IMO. 

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Anyone but Boston, that's all I care about


Hate all Boston teams with every ounce of my blood! 


Loathe that city!


What did Boston ever do to you? You should come out here, just not in the winter, it's a good time.


Glad to see that 1-0 earlier but I hate the game times.

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They've been great games to watch IMO... but I don't always like for games to hinge on mistakes. Obviously, in game 1 the mistakes weren't the entire reason the cards lost, but in game 2 the bosox lost on 1 error. 


Clean, competitive baseball is always better to watch, but it doesn't mean that these games haven't been entertaining. Ortiz is a beast right now BTW. 

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I was just really disappointed with how the Cards came out of the gate. I have a feeling this series will get even better than expected before it's through.

Dylan, Ortiz is certainly having one hell of a post season! btw, how was the Six Point Resin? I'm ready for some more!

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I was just really disappointed with how the Cards came out of the gate. I have a feeling this series will get even better than expected before it's through.

Dylan, Ortiz is certainly having one hell of a post season! btw, how was the Six Point Resin? I'm ready for some more!


Resin was awesome as always... wish it didn't require a special trip to get it! :cheers:



Wow!  What could possibly happen in Game 4?   A crisp, well-played game with no crazy, "Bad News Bears" plays?  That would be a switch.





Nope.  4 for 4.  Another head-scratcher ending....


Great series!



That just happened. LOL... 2 very bizarre endings. 

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Ortiz is a beast right now BTW. 


I'm surprised the Cards don't just intentionally walk Ortiz every time at this point.  The rest of the Sox' lineup have almost pitiful batting averages while Papi's numbers are just insane. Sort by hits, runs, home runs, RBIs, averages and he's on top every time.  He's also the only person with more than two at bats not to strike out yet.



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