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Brilliant Glaze + Wax step

HFX Detailing


Hey guys,


This has been discussed before but I could not really find the answer to this question.


Since glaze does not last long, people say to put wax over it. If you do that, would it not make the wax last less? 



SO i was wondering. If it does make wax last less, would it make sense for me to go sealant, wax, glaze, wax?


Or, does the wax still keep its effect even if glaze wears out?


It might be I am confused or don't understand the science, so if someone could help me out with understanding that would be great.



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7 answers to this question

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Wax isn't a sealant and doesn't need bare paint as much.  I haven't noticed any appreciable loss in longevity from applying over BG.


BG however does have some properties that will remove some of the wax if applied over it.  I still find the proven method here the best.  MSS / BG / Wax


If I'm in between waxes and want extra pop for the day then I'll BG on top of what I have going on and hit it with detail spray.  While technically that will reduce the longevity of the wax, I still find myself waxing more often than I probably need to.  Since the cars are still beading when I strip and redo everything.

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Look at your sealant for protection. Anything on top is to add gloss and depth to the paint. I've got 2 coats of sealant, a coat of glaze, then a coat of Americana on my car. I will probably do one more coat of Americana before winter hits.


Glaze breaks down faster than wax so it's going to try and lift off the paint. This will take the wax with it, or at least affect its attachment to the vehicle. But, you've 'sealed' the glaze in with wax, so it has protection to prevent it from just wearing off really fast with the weather.

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Hey guys, I'm pretty new to this all, so searched for my quesiton and this came up.  Have a follow up question...


I have a sealant down, then put a coat of americana.  A few weeks later my wife bought me the glaze, and I put that ontop of the wax.  I then waxed over the glaze (two more coats of americana) to get it ready for winter.


For the rest of winter can I do a glaze then wax, or am I good with three coats of americana?  I know the glaze breaks down the wax, so just want to make sure I'm doing it right.



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First off Welcome Chuck!


You could see some cloudiness after several coats of wax.  It sounds like you have enough protection down.  If you want a little more "bling" to the paint you can put down BG.  However, it will not last very long and can slightly degrade the wax.  Perfect for going a Cruise or Show, but maybe not so much for everyday driving.  

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Your 'paint armor/last line of defense'  would be the sealant on the paint.  My solid black DD lives outside in a marine environment (SoCal) and I always use a sealant (QS or MSS at this point), then (if I have the time) optional glaze, then Americana to top it for 'that look'.  I figure that even if the Americana comes off, I still have the sealant under there protecting the finish.  I am looking forward to trying the Liquid Paint Sealant - if it's better than either of those previous two, it's going to be the new go-to sealant, esp. with the short cure time. 

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