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Drying Wash Pads



Curious what you all do with your mitts and pads, as well as applicators, after use? I have been rinsing them out, but I can't leave them sitting in sun all day to dry. Was thinking of a mesh basket to hand on wall in garage maybe to let them "hang" ? 


What do you do?



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After car wash, I rinse and wring out my pad thoroughly then toss it in the dryer for an hour. Hasn't hurt the pad in any way. Then I store it in an Adam's wash bucket on top of the grit guard with the lid slightly cracked so there is some ventilation to prevent mold if there should be any moisture remaining in the pad. 


I have nothing against hang drying but I worry that if my pad is hanging in my garage that it could pick up dust and junk between washes.

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My process


To clean: wash pad on top of the grit guard, in the sink. Use the sprayer attachment at 45 degree angle, from the center of the pad outwards. Inspect for and remove any small dirt particles. If the pad has visible staining, one shot of APC agitated will suds up big time to take care of it.


To dry: wring out excess water and lay them flat on the dish rack. Next day, wring them out again (water will have settled) and flip them over.


If the pad fibers start to "dreadlock" you can gently brush them out with a hair brush or wide-toothed comb. 

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