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Any MB Revolution reviews?



Has anyone tried the new Master Blaster Revolution?


Those of you who have the original Master Blaster, what are your thoughts on the 30 foot long hose?  Do you think it would be a big improvement over the 10 foot hose? 


The front swivel wheels on the Revolution seem like it would make it easier to pull around the vehicle, but does this really matter if the hose is 30 feet long?  Seems like you could just put it in front of the vehicle and then use the long hose without having to move it around.


Thanks for any input!  :)

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IMO, I look at the 30' hose as more (bulk) to reel up and put away.  I hang mine on the wall right above where I hang my water hose in the garage.  I then wrap the MB hose around and hang it on the hose hanger.  The swivel wheels in the front may be nice, but not necessary.  The thing is so light that it trails behind you like a small dog.  If that makes any sense.  Basically what I'am saying is that the blower is so light that it isn't a big deal to pull behind you.  

Edited by LFairbanks
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Thanks guys!


So far we have one Yay for the longer hose and one Nay.  I can see in Chris' Garage-of-Glory that the longer hose is a plus as it makes it possible to leave the blaster hanging on the wall.  Unfortunately, my garage has tools in it that can't get wet so blowing off the truck inside the garage is not an option.


For use on the driveway, it seems like it could go either way: pulling the MB around with a shorter hose or going with the longer hose and leaving it stationary, but then having to coil and store the longer hose.


More input is appreciated.

Edited by TheWolf
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Why do I suddenly want pancakes? ;)


The Revolution is certainly a nice step up from the standard MB... while thats a lot more hose to contend with, the fact it comes with a mount and parts to keep it organized its not that big a deal. Plus getting around your car with a hose vs dragging the whole dryer behind you is far easier IMO.

Mine rarely gets taken off the wall anymore. I can reach almost everything I need to with the hose and keeping the blaster mounted.

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Why do I suddenly want pancakes? ;)


The Revolution is certainly a nice step up from the standard MB... while thats a lot more hose to contend with, the fact it comes with a mount and parts to keep it organized its not that big a deal. Plus getting around your car with a hose vs dragging the whole dryer behind you is far easier IMO.


Mine rarely gets taken off the wall anymore. I can reach almost everything I need to with the hose and keeping the blaster mounted.


Does the Revolution vaccuum as well?  I can probably look it up for myself, but basically I'd want the Vaccuum and blower option in one unit with a wall mount, and a long hose, that would be the perfect machine for me.

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No. The master blaster is a blower only - and truth be told I don't like to recommend them as dryers and vacs.

When you use it as a vacuum the hose will get some amount of buildup in side, as will the casing. Reverse the flow and you're now spitting dust and dirt out of the hose at your car while you dry, somewhat defeating the benefit of a dedicated car dryer (filtered and heated air) versus something like a leaf blower. When I use a Vac N' Blo model I use it primarily as a vacuum, then use the blow feature to purge interiors (blowing stuff out of tight spaces)


A separate hose for vacuuming could be a viable option to solve that problem, but to the original question - the master blaster is just a blower, no vac function to it.

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Please, for the love of everything clean and shiny, DO NOT use a vacuum for drying your car, even with a clean hose.  :eek:


The filter bags on these MetroVacs, and the cartridges on shop vacs, still let dust through, unless they are HEPA rated and have appropriate seals to prevent bypass, which the vast majority of vacs do not.


Extreme? Maybe, but consider this hard-working MetroVac.  I mounted it on some ductwork directly over a belt sander, so I did not want the air blowing out of the vacuum stirring up too much dust.  I put a new Ridgid Vac outlet diffuser on it, which has a foam sleeve.




The vac has been used weekly for the past year, but the bag is not even close to full.  I took the foam sleeve off and gave it a rinse, then put the dirty water in this jar.  And this is just what this coarse foam sleeve picked up,  I would guess 95% of the exhaust dust went right through.




So, if you just spent all that time washing, I don't think you want to blow it off with air that has just been sucked through a bag full of all the crud that's been vacuumed off the floor of the vehicle.  But maybe that's just me. :P

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Perfect example Dan, which VNB model did you get?  And did you fit the Shop Vac diffuser on there with no modifications?  I actually emailed Metro yesterday, and one of the principals of the company emailed me back within the hour (Dan Stern).  Very impressed with a detailed response to my question as well.


Basically I asked whether the handheld 500W model would work for my needs of cleaning interiors weekly or bi-weekly (for detail jobs I tend to just use the Shop Vac or Dyson), and whether I should just go for the VNB.  Obviously not for the blow-drying car feature.


My theory is that if the 500W handheld is enough for me to go over interiors with, I can save up and get the actual 8 HP Master Blaster dryer to dry cars, blow out the garage with etc.  Either way I will get myself a Master Blaster or Vac N Blo this year when the garage gets finished.

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I have the Vac N Blo Compact Wall Mount VNB4AFBR. It is 4hp. I had to use an adapter for the diffuser to get from 2 inch down to 1-1/4 inch. I will post a pic when I get a chance.


Awesome Dan that is the one I will most likely get as well.  Without the diffuser it just blows air out the back like a Shop Vac right?

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Really want to get one of these, but struggling thinking of $400 lol. Is it really that helpful? I always thought it would just blow water around, but it dries as well eh? Do you still need to go over vehicle with a towel after?

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Really want to get one of these, but struggling thinking of $400 lol. Is it really that helpful? I always thought it would just blow water around, but it dries as well eh? Do you still need to go over vehicle with a towel after?

This is a serious detailing tool......it blows warm filtered air, you can dry your car in no time.

If you are serious about detailing this tool is for you!  Mine is about 8 yrs. old and still work great.

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This is a serious detailing tool......it blows warm filtered air, you can dry your car in no time.

If you are serious about detailing this tool is for you!  Mine is about 8 yrs. old and still work great.


I am actually wondering if it would help me in another way, I have Muscular Dystrophy and detailing my car is a real pain. Hurts and body is exhausted usually after wheels ha. But I love doing it, go figure :)


So I am always looking for things to take the manual part out of it and save me some energy and pain. This seems like would help? 

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I am actually wondering if it would help me in another way, I have Muscular Dystrophy and detailing my car is a real pain. Hurts and body is exhausted usually after wheels ha. But I love doing it, go figure :)


So I am always looking for things to take the manual part out of it and save me some energy and pain. This seems like would help? 

The Master Blaster Revolution will be much easier on you. It will dry everything, wheels and all. You'll have to do  a little touch up with detail spray and a towel but not much. The more you use it the better you will be with it. I'm not sure if it saves any time but it saves a lot of effort for me. When I first started using it I had my reservations but I've had it since early December and I love it. I use it at least once or twice a week and it seems a lot easier to use now than it did the first time i used it. I've used it twice this weekend and It's nice not to have a lot of wet towels to deal with, and it's a lot less effort. Good luck. I just noticed there's also a 15% discount going on right now that would save you 60 bucks on it.

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