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New to Forum and Adams Polishes


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Hi all, 


Just wanted to post a quick hello. I found Adams at a car show and have not looked back. Been using the products for about 3 months and can not get enough. It makes washing the car fun. 


I am new to this and found the forums while looking for help and have found it to be a great place so far. 


Hope to learn a lot more and one day be able to pass what I learn to others. 





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Hey Chris! Thank you for signing up and welcome to the group :)


What are your favorite products so far? Post up some pictures of your ride if you get a chance!

Where do I start.


So far in the 3 months from hearing about Adams I research, tested with a friends product, and dove in with the 2 bucket kit. I would have said the car shampoo, but then I got my first Mystery Box. After opening it and getting a kick out of it I have order 10 more. 3 the last time there were up and 7 last week that I open today. I now own I think almost every product Adams offer for washing outside and inside. I even got the travel bag thanks to one of the boxes today along with the patio polish. (Jackpot) So I still have things to try out. But the wheel cleaner is my fav. as of now.


I want to try the paint sealant as I heard great things.


Edited by cdunagan
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