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Can I make a suggestion?

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Just looking over the Polishes site and making out an order.  I was going through the kits and man, it's hard to tell what's in each kit on my laptop.  Can you guys list what's in each kit instead of me trying to squint my old eyes trying to figure out what each kit is?  I hunted and didn't see any place where the items were listed.  I'd appreciate it. 

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Sometimes if you add it to your cart you get a list.  I have done that to see everything in a kit.


Yes, it does it then, but I'd like to see what's in it before I stick it in my cart.  I could have it in there just to see what it is, and then forget to take it out and order it if I didn't want it. Then I'd have to call Ashley, and hope that it gets taken out.  Too much work.  ;)

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Just curious, but is "What's in the Box?" a reference to the movie Seven?


Wow theres a referenceyou dont get every day. 


No, if you look on some of the kits lets take Adams Basic car care kit (http://adamspolishes.com/shop/kits/waxing-glazing-kits/adam-s-basic-car-care-kit.html) if you look down where the description is there is a tab that you can click on that says "whats in the box" and lists all the included items. 


Jim, I am a new shopper but I have been overwhelmed with the disease of needing to fill a cart often lol. I have learned the products decently by looks the packages really stand out easy n simple


 I have learned them fairly easily but sometimes it is easier to just have a list of them, at least IMO, Even looking at pics from folks mystery boxes if you do not have a good angle a great white drying towel folded up and semi hidden in a photo could be mistaken for a single soft due to both having the black stitched edge. With the Microfiber applicators being black now they can be confused for the foam blocks. The products are usually easy to identify but its the other products that could trip some up, especially if the photo has not been updated to show the latest offerings. A good example of that one was when the glass cleaner went from almost the same look as the interior detailer to the new green clearer look. 

Edited by pirahnah3
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