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First Detail Complete - A Few Questions



Hello - I just did my first detail this weekend, overall I'm happy with the results, the car looks so good it almost looks fake! 


I just have a few questions...


Here is what I did:

  1. Washed the Car with Rinseless - I live in a condo :(
  2. Clayed the entire car using detail spray as lube
  3. Applied Liquid Pain Sealant
  4. Applied Glass Sealant and cleaned windows /w Adams Glass Cleaner
  5. Dressed the rubber with Super VRT

Now for a few questions:

  1. I did the baggy test after clay baring, the paint was super smooth to touch although with the baggy I can still feel a little "grit" underneath even after clay baring several times. Am I doing something wrong?
  2. My car is white so it was very difficult to see how much LPS I was putting on, probably used about 1/8th of the bottle - Is this about right?

Appreciate the advice and help!


Here are some pics of the finished result:




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^Nice F80 :)


You probably used a little more than you needed to in regards to the LPS - 1/8 bottle is about 2 oz, I think I used about 3/4-1 oz max when I did my X5 recently - sealants go on super thin


In regards to the residual contaminants that may be left even though you clayed, you may need to do some 1:1 dilution of Deep Wheel Cleaner as a spray decontamination method the next time you go to clay, it is a bit more aggressive (yet just as safe) than clay alone, and will get some more of the stubborn contaminants either dissolved or loosened up.

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I may have used less than 1/8th, I guess my main point was that I didn't use very much. Sounds like I did the right thing!


Do I need to be worried that I have contaminants under my sealant? Will this just come off as the sealant wears? 


I also did this outdoors with a breeze... Maybe the claying worked fine but by the time I applied the sealant there was a small amount of dust on the paint?


Overall I'm very happy with the results, just paranoid I did something wrong and could be causing damage. I guess it couldn't be worse than how I took care of my last car... running it through the carwash :/

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Rules I say on these forums, don't be paranoid and don't overthink.  If you do have any contaminants bonded to the paint, on your next session of claying/sealing they will come up at that time if you wanted to spend more time.


At least she is in much better shape and protected now :)

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Tristan, I love the car they are a joy to do some spirited driving in. I think it looks great for a first detail. You might have some rail dust on the car that the diluted deep wheel cleaner can breakdown on a chemical level although I would have thought the clay bar would have got it off. I know when I did my truck a while ago it took multiple passes and some light pressure to get it slick completely. I have not used the adams clay yet though im new to the adams line up so got some things to purchase and try out still. Keep posting up pics as you detail the inside as well as im sure it's a gorgeous interior. Im not sure if it's possible but from what I have gathered the best way to get the lap on is with a da buffer, and you can do the finishing polish first to have a phenomenal finish to protect.

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Your car looks great! Having a white car I know how hard it is to see just how much product is on the paint. I am constantly looking at it from different angles just to see what was done. With last bottle of Liquid Paint Sealant I was able to do about 9 vehicles. I think 8 cars and a 4 door Ram 1500 pickup. As mentioned, more is not better. A thin coat is all you need.

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