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A few Adam's Rinseless questions



I just ordered my 1st gallon of it, I Googled but nothing. For anyone who uses it, does it have any sort of water softening agents in it? I know a few of the other rinseless products out there do. I live in So Cal and have very hard water. I'm curious if I'll be better off buying distilled water or just using tap.   Also, I ordered a 6 pack of the new Double Soft Towels, for rinseless how clean will  the washing machine get them? I don't mean removing debris. Like as far as does the rinseless solution stain the towels? And with a proper washing how clean do they come out looking? I've been using blue edgeless for my rinse & waterless washes. They come out looking really good, even after used and washed 150 times on a semi dirty car . But I'm a bit apprehensive about using $10 towels on my customers cars, especially a white towel lol. Right now I wash in hot water with All Free & Clear and about every 3rd wash use Adam's Microfiber Revitilizer.  Obviously I'll find out when I get my towels and use/clean them, But I'm pondering ordering more before the 4th sale's over. I typically wash about 2 cars a day, so the towels will see a lot more use than if I just washed my own car once a week. 





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I have heard that Rinseless has water softening properties in it, but I can't say that for sure. I use tap water when I do Rinseless washes so I'm not using a gallon or two of distilled every time I wash. But I do use distilled water when I mix a bottle for pre-soak or clay lube.


As for the towels, they will get a blue tint to them but that doesn't mean they aren't clean. It makes it easy to dedicate certain towels for Rinseless since it sort of color codes them.

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I cannot comment to the softening properties of the solution. 


I do use Distilled when I mix up my bottles, however I have found over some trials that I really love this stuff made down to a nice waterless solution. 


For towels, I have used double softs before, but they get heavy when your washing. I have swapped over to using the borderless grey towels for my waterless washes and they do a great job. 


As to the cleaning of towels, I have not had any staining on mine, but I do soak my towels before washing. 

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For a Rinseless wash on 'regular' cars I use a 'dread head' chenille wash mitt (softer than the ones from the auto parts store). and a damp older blue Adam's towel to wipe the damp panel.  Then a spritz of DS, and the WW towel for the final dry.  

I only use the 'bucket of towels' method' for 'special' cars that are not daily drivers.


Not certain on the water softening either, but I know other rinseless products do, and they recommend a 1\2 oz added to the rinse bucket..



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I can not make a certain point on the water softner part however my water is uber hard here and I use tap water for my 2 gal of bucket solution. I still use distilled for the pre soak as I have it for all diluted chemicals. I can use this outside in blazing hot sun and no water spots. I pre soak a panel then wipe it down followed with h2o and a final dry with a hit of detail spray. You can clean what I consider dirty cars rather safely in this manner. I have all but abandoned my soap and hose method at this point, rinseless smells so good as well enjoy that as work. My towels are not adams brand but are a white 800 gsm and have a very slight blue tint to them now but are clean and very soft.

Edited by Dwhite0960
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I would probably use the single softs for Rinseless than the doubles. I can do a car or maybe 2 with a gallon of water (I use tap in the wash bucket) and I do GDWM so having huge towels like double soft would hinder from doing more than one car as they soak up so much.


They might get a slight blue tinge to them but will come out super clean in the wash. And yes Rinseless should have water softening properties in the bucket if you are adding to traditional wash.


I only use distilled for a pre soak dilution of Rinseless

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