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Extreme water spots...as in, nightmarish...



I'll try to snag some pictures this weekend of it, but I will be hesitant to post them as you all might have heart attacks. For my fathers birthday in December, I was going to detail his black F150. Now, the problem is, he parks it on the street next to the city owned/operated sprinklers for a median, which has wreaked havoc on his passenger side. Now, when I say the water spots are BAD, I mean, they are so bad that they have turned solid white, and are caked on in LAYERS! It looks HORRIBLE! The worst part is, he knows how to detail cars as well as any of us, and he used to paint them when he was younger! He is an owner of his own restaurant though, and so is so busy that the desire to fix the paint is next to nil, even though he admits it is very depressing to see his fairly new truck looking like that. So...


How in the heck do I remove all of them? Claybaring seems like it would be horrid at this stage, so does anyone have any suggestions on how to remove all of this crap? Also, his wife had the brilliant idea of trying LIME AWAY on his paint (did it without him knowing, trying to be helpful...sigh..), and got it on his black plastic door handles, staining and possibly bleaching them white. HELP!

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You win Charles! I've never seen more extreme water spots in all my years, and yours certainly take the cake.


Wish we could have met up today at the warehouse, as I was in town for the weekend. We could have made a video about it!


Let's try to connect to solve your problem. Devising a system to remove those spots will certainly help our customers, and business.


Thanks! :thumbsup:

Edited by C6Bill
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You win Charles! I've never seen more extreme water spots in all my years, and yours certainly take the cake.


Wish we could have met up today at the warehouse, as I was in town for the weekend. We could have made a video about it!


Let's try to connect to solve your problem. Devising a system to remove those spots will certainly help our customers, and business.


Thanks! :thumbsup:


Thanks Adam, hehe, I thought this project would make a great before/after showing how awesome your products are!

Edited by C6Bill
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Hmmm, you know you COULD convert a PC back to a sander... :D


For spots that severe, short of mechanical abrasion to remove, it would likely take some sort of acid-based product to remove. I used a waterspot remover, years ago, that I believe was an acetic acid based spray. That said, you could try dampening a towel with some vinegar and wiping a small area to see if the spots start to "fizz" and loosen. If that were my truck, I'd be tempted to try a regular limescale remover that you would get for use in the bath. (I would avoid bare metal, or you may get "bright" spots.) If you are able to "melt away" those spots you can go on to clay barring and polishing to finish up.


Just remember, stronger acids can etch, so dilute appropriately, use eye and skin protection, and rinse off with plenty of water!

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Wow those are terrible water spots and I have seen that before when people park next to sprinkler systems in apartment complexes. You may have to get real aggressive with those to get them out. I would try this first though.




Right on Richard, have you tried this product? Thanks!

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Wow those are terrible water spots and I have seen that before when people park next to sprinkler systems in apartment complexes. You may have to get real aggressive with those to get them out. I would try this first though.





This link didn't work...


THIS one does though http://www.amaz.biz/waterstainremover.php


How did it work Adam?


Are you still looking at developing a product to remove water spots?

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You win Charles! I've never seen more extreme water spots in all my years, and yours certainly take the cake.


Wish we could have met up today at the warehouse, as I was in town for the weekend. We could have made a video about it!


Let's try to connect to solve your problem. Devising a system to remove those spots will certainly help our customers, and business.


Thanks! :thumbsup:


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