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Here we all are talking about our cars, and what we're going to buy, complaining if it doesn't come on time or didn't perform as expected. We're celebrating Adam's 10 year anniversary and kidding around with each other and life goes on. We all have an awful lot to be thankful for.


Let's all take a minute or two and say a prayer for the people in Haiti. Somehow it always seems that things like that happen somewhere else and not in this country. Lets all pray that we never know that much sorrow.


I'm making a donation to the Red Cross to help the relief effort for Haiti and I'm challenging every one here to do the same. Instead of buying that 1 extra micro fiber, or that extra bottle of detail spray, send the money to the Red Cross and help.


You can send $10.00 by texting "Haiti" to 90999 or you can make a donation by calling 1-800-REDCROSS or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish) or click on the Donate Now button.





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Yep! I hate to hear news like that...


I have a employee that has yet to hear from all of his family over there. He has talked with his daughter and a brother, but he still has his mom and another brother that nobody has heard from.


I also have a few customers with family over there as well.

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Seriously, that's some sobering stuff. And we think we have problems here at home -- this really puts things in perspective. I mean, can you imagine something like that happening here? My prayers go out to all those people who literally lost everything in this. Tragic, just tragic. :(


Great post & ideas on how to help, Rich. We're making a donation to the Red Cross, too.

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Thanks for starting this thread Rich, and thanks to everyone who donates to help the Haitian people deal with the incredible loss of life, property, and well being they have faced in the last 36 hours.


Adam's Polishes donated $250 this morning to Save the Children, which has a matching donation plan. We paid via Paypal, who is waiving all fees for the next 30 days. https://www.thepaypalblog.com/


We are also going to donate 10% of today's sales to the same organization, and I'll post that total tomorrow morning.


After some research, this is what I found to be the most secure and direct way to donate if PayPal is your method:




Thanks to everyone who has, and who will donate to help the thousands of suffering survivors, and the effort to save lives of people buried in the aftermath of the earthquake.


Here is one of the only pictorials I found on YouTube that didn't have commercials attached. it gives a sad perspective, and is graphic:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sd4mo0jn4o&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sd4mo0jn4o&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


God Bless the Haitian People, and look over those who are helping in the relief efforts.



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The amazing thing is the poorest of the poor are the ones who survived the tragedy because they live it huts made of lumber and canvas or other scraps of trash. The rich and middle class are the ones that are dead because they lived in concrete buildings. Of course this is a generalization and not true for all... I heard this info on Fox last night.


I gave 25.00 to the red cross for international relief.:thumbsup:



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I couldn't even imagine having to live through anything as tragic as what happened in Haiti.


No time to prepare' date=' no time to run, no time to call your loved ones. Its awful.


It chokes me up just to think about what those poor people are going through.[/quote']


I don't even want to imagine it. To lose either one of my kids, or my granddaughter would be too much to bear. Everybody needs to hug their kids a little harder today.

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They do need our prayers. I heard on the news that we have a local family working as missionaries and also another person from here locally. They have contacted their family here in East Tennessee and are ok.


Organizations that I know that are sending workers and relief supplies:


Southern Baptist Convention

Samaritan's Purse

American Red Cross

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My wife and I sponser a child from Haiti, Frederic Estime. This is our second child ,our first boy John grew up and was to old for the program.

I hope Frederic is ok.:grouphug:


We give to Week of Compassion through our church! (Christian Church Disciples of Christ)


Chris, we'll keep them both in our prayers.

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The more we read and see about this tragedy, the more I'd like to do to help.

We noted that we would donate a percentage of yesterday's sales to the relief efforts in Haiti. Well, our customers came out in force, and we had a huge day, and were able to donate another $431 today.


That's your money, our customers, who have helped raise a total of $681 from Adam's.


That's cool. Thanks for helping us help the suffering in Haiti. Adam:thumbsup:


Today's news on the realities facing the residents of Port au Prince:



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