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On a serious note...

Guest Gone & Forgotten

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

First of all, thanks to everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers. This is my first chance to update all.


Sara came home Friday evening (my 39th b'day). My parents drove 12 hrs from FL Thurs night to help me so my wife and I could work. She's not been a happy camper the last couple days. Sometimes her pain brings me to tears (which I hide from her).


She has a hefty amount of pain from her muscles having to find a new shape thanks to the rod in her spine from top to bottom. Combine this with the stiffness caused by lying in bed (sometimes too painful to sit up or walk but she tries) and other pain caused by the inability to go #2 since last Tuesday.


She was SO much more pleasant today and more so tonight with only minor grunts and sighs of breath while coping with pain while moving.


I sorta hope the weather hitting us tonight (11pm-4am) cripples the town's roads so I can stay home with her tomorrow. I really feel it will be a milestone day for her as far as her pain subsiding to a level she can tolerate without meds and tears.


Will keep you all posted on progress as I'm able to. My hands are pretty full since she yells for DAD and not step-mom most of the time and entertaining my parents gets tough - all of us crammed into a 2bdrm condo.


Thanks again all.




ps. anyone interested in putting faces to the names . myspace name is kicktothejunk - have photos there of myself / Sara

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Glad to hear she is doin better. I have scoliosis myself, though not bad enough to warrant surgery. Joining the Army however took a couple waivers. The degree of mine is 28 which I am sure you know. Was this surgery where they insert rods on either side of spine to straighten it? You can pm me if you like, was just curious. Thanks

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Hey Bob i'm glade she's home now and she sounds like a tropper hanging in there with the pain. When she starts PT before u know it she'll be up and running.:xfingers: My prayers still go out to her and the rest of the family for a fast recovery.:2thumbs:

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

Thanks all. The doctor and nurses made mention of a 'rod'. As to what type or how many... I'll know more when we do the follow up next week. She's easing off her needs for pain meds today. She's moving faster when she walks. I still hound her about walking more tho. She stays in bed too much.


Her degree of curve (it was an S shape) was just over 60. Thanks to her mother. I had this diagnosed when she first moved in with her mom almost 2 years ago. I jumped through numerous hoops to get her insured and even made the appointments. My wife took her to a few appointments and asked the mother to take her to a couple. Her mom ditched too many of them and by the time my wife and I were able to get Sara back on the medical track - the curve progressed passed the point of a brace. She moved in with me in OCT. and just had surgery. That's 5 months. Her mom had her for 18 months... never even made 1 appointment that was scheduled.


Grrr... again.


I know... keep the hate inside, make a happy face. Grr....

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Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner, but I've been without the computer for a week.


I'm glad to hear that your daughter is doing so well. I've been through the wringer with my son and know what all you've been feeling. Trust me, in a few years you'll look back and you'll be glad for all the good you did for her now.

Keep us posted on her condition and keep up the good work DAD! :cheers:

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