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Anybody know where Older Rich got to?


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I cannot wait for the Iphone to come to Verizon, as soon as it does I will have one.


My buddy just bought the Motorola Droid from there and compared it to his iTouch and said while it does some cool innovative things, he believes Apple still has the game won. He said it's just easier to use the iPhone/touch IHO.


I'd agree. He see's NO reason for the slide out keyboard as well.


Hi my name is Christopher and I'm an iPhone/Apple addict. :D


Waiting on the 4th gen phone... :drool:

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I'm back gang. Finally. Dang spyware.

So now it will probably take me a week to get caught up.


It's interesting in Johnstown today. Our congressman, John Murtha, died last week and today is his funeral. It's being aired live on all the local tv stations. But this is a VERY small town and we have a ton of dignitaries here including Bill Clinton. Quite an honor for Murtha. He was disliked by a lot of people, but he kept this town working for many, many years. He will be badly missed here.

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