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Sundog Detailing

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Everything posted by Sundog Detailing

  1. I would never recommend a novice use a rotary, but as you know I am beyond novice. I was just letting Andy know that Adam's products can be used with a rotary with great results.
  2. I use a makita 9227 rotary 90% of the time.
  3. I've had a great day Jim, detailing a 97 Harley all weekend. can anyone say metal polish
  4. A paint cleaner won't do more than SHR, most paint cleaners are far less abrasive. If SHR by hand hasn't taken care of it a machine is about all you've got left.
  5. I don't wash my APW applicator, the vehicle is as clean as it's going to get by the time I'm ready to wax and the applicator is already loaded when I go to use it again. I also don't like washing away good wax.
  6. I agree with Frank. I like the Menzerna Power Gloss for tough stuff, the only problem for you is it comes in a pretty big bottle.
  7. The Flex is an awesome machine, I still pull mine out once and a while.
  8. I use this set-up and work fine for me also.
  9. looks like the rear bumper is suffering from the same thing.
  10. I did but he will bringing it to me for everything, including washes from now on:thumbsup:
  11. It's an orange flavored powder much like kool-aid but wwwwwaaay better.
  12. hahahaha, they have it at the local Fred Meyer, in fact I'm on my way to go get more here in a little bit. It makes me feel like a spaceman
  13. I spilled a glass of Tang on the laptop so I've been without a computer for about 3 weeks.
  14. Good morning everyone, man it sure is good to back with all of you
  15. Thanks Bruce. You bet it's convertible season, it's been an amazing summer so far.
  16. This one was really involved and keep in mind I use a rotary. I started out with SWH on a nanofoamedwool pad, then SWH on a orange pad, FMP on green LC pad, final was Menzerna PO85rd on LC blue pad for the jeweling, finished up with 2 coats of APW.
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