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Everything posted by falcaineer

  1. <Exhale!> Nice ride, Paul. Looking forward to pics of it all Adamized.
  2. Quick thought...may want to post these in the "What did you do today?" post. You'll probably get some more looks and/or tips over there. http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/12333-what-did-you-do-today/
  3. The reflection on that front end almost looks like a hologram. And is there someone in the passenger seat? If not, you may have a ghost! Looking forward to seeing a pic with a trophy! I bet the boots smell good, too. Love that stuff.
  4. That looks great, Billy! Good luck at the show. If you want to add that little bit of extra "pop"/"wow" factor right before, add some BG. Insider's trick, from what I hear! You gonna add some LC to the boots, too?!
  5. Inquiring minds want to know!!!
  6. Only caveat I'd offer to the plastic baggie test is to lightly rub the bag over the paint. No need to accidentally introduce micro (or worse!) scratches! Here's a good article with a little more background: http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/1200-the-plastic-bag-clay-bar-test-youll-say-wow
  7. Ahh, Firebirds! I used to own a '96 Firebird (not the TA). Same red color, 3.8L V6, also had T-tops, chrome 5-spoke rims, but auto transmission...it hummed, though! Bought it right off the showroom floor. Loved that car. Just somehow got smaller and smaller once the kids entered the picture and started growing. Enjoy!
  8. Honestly, Billy, I have no clue. I just wanted to say that's a really sweet ride and you're lucky to work on it. Good luck!
  9. If that's you "making it," what were you like before?! LOL That was 3... Seriously, though, good luck. I haven't brought myself to this point yet. But if/when I do, I'll probably have just as many, if not more questions.
  10. ^^^ I hope I don't have any "hidden" posts...Chris is a super sleuth.
  11. Check out this article/video... http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/28827-ask-the-shine-doc-ep-10-cleaning-accessories/ I hope you can get them back to working condition. My guess is you'll be able to, though it will take others' advice on here for how.
  12. PS is perfect for a car left outside all the time (it probably won't offer the added shine or depth of a wax, though, on a darker car like yours). Also consider picking up some HGG to boost your sealant every few washes. Awesome product. It can be maintained, yes. What product(s) you use depends on the results you want, and others chimed in with some options. But the biggest difference in what you're doing so far will probably be the towels you use. There's certainly something to be said about using high quality MF towels, and Adam's offers lots of options to use with DS, Waterless and Rinseless, among the other products. I highly recommend you pick some up in your next order, if you haven't already, and you'll see and feel the difference. Some of my favorites are the SST, DST, and WWT. Also note that Rinseless diluted 16:1 is the same as Waterless, so it provides a more economical approach. Here are some articles you should read/videos to watch, if you haven't already. They may help answer some more questions: http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/30518-dusty-car-from-driving-how-to-wipe-her-down http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/31693-waterless-wash-vs-rinseless-wash http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/27631-faq-should-i-use-wax-or-sealant-on-my-car/ http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/28664-ask-the-shine-doc-ep-6-sealants-vs-waxes/
  13. I actually like the black bottle. Gives a sleek look the clear ones don't have. But to each his or her own. ***BREAK*** Adam's team: Will you consider selling these as "empties" for refills? Since I didn't order one of these bottles (I'm more of a Samoa/Tagalong kind of guy than Thin Mints ), I'm wondering if it has a see-through portion, similar to a bottle of oil, so you can tell how much is left? And if not, can that be added should you sell them empty?
  14. Welcome, Billy! I was wondering why you had a picture of a moving van...then I realized it's just the reflection of that shiny SS!
  15. More like one in a a million... So you're saying there's a chance? Yeah!
  16. Sold out already. Before 2pm MST, no less. Oh, well. Congrats to the purchasers.
  17. Welcome to the addiction, Chad! Funny handle. Lookout for anyone on here that may go by RevivePolish.
  18. Welcome to the addiction, Kevin!
  19. So that's a picture right after her first drive, then. Whoops...drove it into a ditch! That would scare me, too!
  20. Ok, Joe. I'll go there again for others' reading pleasure... I actually deleted it because the previous posts answered my question and I missed it prior to hitting submit. Also deleted the sarcasm, too, apparently! Make sure to use a clean diaper. Otherwise, double the effort.
  21. Nice. But is she cleaning it to help, or cleaning up after driving it off road?
  22. Not so fast, Jimmy! I asked first!!!
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