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Everything posted by falcaineer

  1. Looks great, Dustin! As a fellow white car owner, it's always nice to make the black car owners jealous every once in a while!
  2. Just noticed the Mustang on the ground. How did you do that?
  3. Doesn't look like I'll get to come up there after all. Sorry to miss it, but really hope to make the next one. I hope everyone has a great time. (those are coffee since it's early!)
  4. Hope you all had a blast. You deserve it. Any pics of Adam in an Elf costume?!
  5. Welcome to the addiction! Used to go to Myrtle Beach a lot as a kid as well as a teen/college, heading down "Hillbilly Highway" (I-77, for those unfamiliar) from back home in WV. Lots of great memories...
  6. Hmm. I'll keep an eye on it to see if I lose anymore at a rapid/unusual rate.
  7. I recently got this and upon arrival, it started losing bristles right out of the box. About a dozen or so fell out or were falling out. Granted, that still leaves a lot of bristles, but is this a trend anyone else has noticed? I haven't cleaned the tires with it yet - winter has already hit with a blast here - but did I get a faulty brush (and need to take advantage of the best-in-the-business guarantee)?
  8. Thanks, all! If anyone else has inputs, feel free to chime in. Especially if you've had a bad experience. I don't want to repeat the mistakes of those that have preceded me!
  9. Pool/sheet rinsing will DEFINITELY add to the drying "power" of your towels. By doing so, I can pretty much dry two vehicles (Optima, Xterra) with one GWDT, allowing it dry some between washes, and it still soaks up the water. Must admit, it would be handy to have two, but I've done well with just the one. Bottom line...buy it! The blue waterless wash towels are perfect for all these uses...
  10. Isopropyl alcohol should work. I use a 50/50 with water and blue waffle towels.
  11. How about a bead of water, or maybe a few, with an "L" or the word "Lux", in a font of your choice, underneath or somehow...worked into...the water, with a shiny background. Maybe it could be curved along the lines of the bead? I can see it, just hard to describe.
  12. And I would've just blamed it on something the kids left in the car. The LE ID that just came for Christmas shows you're certainly willing to try, and succeed, with new ID scents. And while I like the current original version, if you do ever come out with another limited edition for it in, say, a citrusy or vanilla scent, I think that'd be a hit, too.
  13. That makes a lot more sense, thanks, despite the forum moderator's best efforts! But "heaving correcting compound" is detailing on a whole other level.
  14. You're welcome. And I guess if I ever decide to start a detailing business I'll have already done part of the work. Seriously, though, that's a great name. One that you should be proud to work under. Any pics of Lux's first detail(s)?
  15. Did some searching but only found one posting, and I already know not to use laundry detergent with perfumes or dyes, or fabric softener, so I'll ask: - Could I use a product like OxiClean to wash the MF towels? - What about a "free and clear" detergent with it added, like this? - Along with MRB, would either add a little more kick to the wash? I want my towels to last a LONG time, so if anyone has had positive or negative experience with this approach, please chime in...
  16. The closest smell I can think of with the original ID is baby powder. It's not overpowering, works really well, and leaves the car smelling as fresh as a clean baby's...well, better than that!
  17. If I can afford gas money after all these sales, I'll try and make it!
  18. All those options and you came up with "the one"...well done. Best of luck!
  19. Hmm. I measured twice...thankfully, didn't cut once ...did mine shrink?!
  20. Looks like your concerns are well founded, and the orange and black pads have indeed been replaced. Found this posting: http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/31867-new-microfiber-correction-pad/?p=497514 You could try and call the HQ to see if some are still in stock, though.
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