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Everything posted by galaxy

  1. I don’t know what I’ll do when it’s gone. This is all I have left. The end is inevitable and I don’t want to go on 😪😩….
  2. I'm by no means a good photographer, but yeah...still loving the new rendition of Spray Wax. Not too much is easier to use either.
  3. Wow...no one has posted in this thread since October?!?!!??! I just picked up another roommate for the garage. Ran across an uber clean 2005 GT that I literally couldn't walk away from. It may end up being a car I flip, but couldn't pass it up. I don't have the words to describe how clean and solid this car was for 18 years old and 105K miles. It did need my touch on the paint. It took a couple steps to get the paint "perfect", but I got it there. It did need some detaling to the rest of the car and the engine, but detailing was literally all it needed. Nothing cosmic. The interior was soo good, almost didn't even need to touch it. I suck at before and after shots (I suck at photography anyways, but that's a separate thread). This is your normal detailing products and steps finished up with the old orange Correction Polish on a white pad, the new Polish on a white pad, and finally the old white Finishing Polish on a black pad. Topped with graphine ceramic spray coating (I've had better luck with the spray than the bottle).
  4. Oh…100%. And thanks man! It turned out pretty darn good.
  5. Chris...totally agree with all your statements. Totally get it. But when I can take my techniques, regardless of what they are, and only swap the product and end up with the results I wanted in the first place, that's the route I'm going. I don't claim to be a pro (OK, maybe a veerryy good semi pro, LOL), but I've been doing this toooo long and too happy with my results to start chasing techniques. I can't (and unwilling to) chase a bunch of technique changes to make a product I have no satisfaction in work. But like I mentioned, not my first unsuccessful result with the Polish...but it is unfortunately my last. And I used up the very last drop of my old Finishing Polish to get this black car to where I wanted it. Now I don't know what I'll move on to. Most likely back to the M205. hahahahah...hence my opening remark
  6. I like CS3. It’s another good one. Still debating which is my favorite
  7. What is the enemy of good?? After countless years of detailing and working with paint, I finally own my first black vehicle. Bought a 2005 Mustang with 100K miles on it that was actually ridiculously clean for the age and mileage. But it still needed my finishing touch to make it perfect. Went with a two step approach to fix it up. The old orange Correcting Polish on a white pad removed the bulk of the damage. But on black under an inspection light, you could certainly see the remnants of the orange correction. *note* I did try the new blue Compound on a couple worse spots; waaayyyy too aggressive. Second, the latest white Polish on a white pad. Darn darn near perfect…….right up until I pulled it out in the sun. Under an inspection light and the LED lights of the garage, you absolutely could not see it, but sunlight revealed what I could only describe as the tracks and Uber light marring naturally left behind from the white pad. Don’t know how else to describe it. My opinion, the white pad still too aggressive for this black, or the Polish is just not right for that fine of a needed finish (if you search for posts by me, I have been unable to get on board with the new Polish). fortunately for me, I have juuuusssttt enough of the old white Finishing Polish that I think will do the trick on a LC black pad. One quick test spot showed improvement, just haven’t had time to retackle yet. Will start tomorrow. I’m hoping this is my 95% solution. But anywho…welcome thoughts or input how to finish this out the rest of the way, and to see if you guys know what I’m talking about on how it finished out. Sorry I don’t have pics, but I’m horrible with a camera and was unable to capture what I can see with the eye. I’ll post pics of the car thus far, but couldn’t get a pic to show what I see in sunlight.
  8. Agreed. Have used mine a couple times and will trade any benefit of HGG for the ease of spray wax. Opinion, but there’s zero comparison about ease of use between spray wax and HGG. HGG is a streaky gooey mess you have to pay attention to. I did half and half on a hood and visually couldn’t tell a difference. All of mine are non daily drivers anyways, so spray wax is becoming my go-to.
  9. Are you asking for advice or tips on how to do an airplane, or something like that? As a life long aviator, you’re gonna want to learn your way around (and be very careful) static ports, antenna/coverings, and a few things like that. But beyond that, should be no different than any other painted surface.
  10. Curious what your apprehension is about the surface prep? It’s one of my favorite products. Does exactly what it’s supposed to do, and probably kinder to your surface than alcohol. your current surface prepping is…interesting. Sprayed with APC to remove anything, then washed with a shampoo that adds protection, then alcohol.
  11. But yes, IMO, the overall best thing you can do for alcantara is don’t get it and leave it filthy, but don’t let it get matted down.
  12. I use carpet and upholstery cleaner diluted 3:1 (water:cleaner) for my seats and steering wheel. It has been a great combo for me, and using with the interior brush keeps the material from getting matted down. Not a ton of miles, but at 35K and six years, they still look showroom new.
  13. It’s such a tough decision. I will add that I’ve tried almost every coating along the way, and for whatever reason, I’ve had much better (noticeable) luck in the looks/appearance department with the spray coatings vs the small bottle. Neither of which have blown me away (on just looks) like some waxes in past history. BUT, the coatings just bead everything and clean up soooo nice. But for a weekend warrior, does that matter much? 1st world problems; the struggle is real. I just recently started experimenting with the updated spray wax and G&G on top of my coated vehicles in search of the best look. But after reading this, I’d sure be interested in trying the ceramic paste wax. I’d probably even try Patriot if it wasn’t always sold out.
  14. Thanks Ray, and I know exactly what you speak of. This is my second set of the same tire (but an updated body style). The fronts on the first set were horrendous. Blotchy is the best word I can think of. They were horrible and I never could fix them. Tried everything. Rolled the dice again and got four excellent ones this time. All four on this set look this good and even.
  15. I know that every tire has a personality. Not every cleaner nor every dressing works the same on every tire. Rubber composition and such makes a difference. BUT…there is nothing on this tire but Tire & Rubber Cleaner. Zero tire shine nor other product. I don’t think the picture captures it, but it’s amazing. Nothing else but T&RC, and it’s perfect. No slinging, no grime sticking to it, the perfect sheen…I’m done. No other product needed…thanks for applying.
  16. Sooooo, against my better OCD (like most of us), I did half a car in the new spray wax and half in G&G. I did this on a surface that had just been freshly WW'd, so it should have an even playing field. Did it make a difference? Absolutely. Can I tell a difference between the two sides of the car? Nope. But I agree maybe color makes a difference. Car has blue vinyl stripes, and maybe the G&G nudges ahead just a tad bit as far as depth on those stripes. But on the white paint, indifferent so far. Waiting to get the car out in multiple lighting conditions. I'll add this...ease of use goes to spray wax by far. G&G is not difficult and there's no streaking, but for all of us that use it, you know it's slimy. Just gotta make darn sure you get it all buffed down. Not the spray wax. Spray wax is darn near almost as user friendly as your best detail spray flavour.
  17. Weellll…got me an H2O and an updated spray wax. Gonna try them out over time.
  18. Weelllll, I got my Active 2.0 pressure washer and fiinnaaalllly got into some foam action. And it didn’t take long (about 2-3 cars) to realize foam has one major flaw! It’s over too quick. You can foam down a normal sized two door car in what, 30-40 seconds??? Not enough; not even close! It’s sooo satisfying you just wanna stand there and foam something down all day. Hahhahahha. I was surprised at this one however. Being new to foam, I grabbed Mega and Ultra foam to play around and learn with. Comparing apples to apples; same quantity, same water temps, all things being equal, there was actually a surprisingly noticeable amount of difference between the foam and performance of the two shampoos. (Obviously Mega wins). I have not used any other brands to compare, but Mega foam from this pressure washer works pretty darn good.
  19. Not off topic at all. In fact, you nailed it as to why I started this thread in the first place. I’ve enjoyed my ceramic and you absolutely cannot beat the care, but it has never “wow’d” me like some other products over the years in the looks department. I have however had different/better luck with spray coatings vs the tiny little bottle. Guess I’m looking for what’s next. And FWIW, nothing to do with my cars is a waste of time nor money, LOL. It’s all just the next adventure or project.
  20. How about spray wax? Especially if it does that carnuba warmth?!
  21. Silly beer drinking topic...I noticed on the store in your account, every purchase you've ever made is logged. I just sat here and added it all up...since I became an Adam's customer, I've spent ~$7,300...top that!!
  22. I brought this topic up because as satisfied as I am with the ceramic offerings, they just don't pop. It's always always left me wanting. And it kinda sucks because I do a good job, I'm doing it right, the benefits of a ceramic are amazing, but the looks just leave me wanting. Ironically, I've had better luck with the spray than the bottle (and yes, talking solely looks here also). My last go-round was with graphine advanced, and same thing; just want...more. I've got a bottle of spray to try next to see if my luck continues. But I'm not opposed to trying brilliant glaze on top, or slick and slide (just got a bottle), or whatever seems to be a fan favorite.
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