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Posts posted by 694doorbird

  1. Those porpoises are fun to watch swimming just a head and behind the boat. I'll have to look, but I think I have some video of them chasing our boat. We did get to go to Denali!! Took the extended tour that went something like 92 miles into the park on old school busses, not a very comfortable ride. We became members of the 30% club (according to our driver), got to see Denali in all her glory without a cloud in the sky. It would be great to take a ski plane up there and just listen to the quiet.


    In Fairbanks we ate at Big Daddy's BBQ ( featured on diner, drive-ins and dives), home of the Northern most Southern BBQ in the country. My wife and my sister got pictures with Santa Claus in North Pole. On my bucket list for our next trip up there is Valdez, driving up to the Artic Circle, and walking under the waterfall at Mendenhall Glacier. I also have a picture of my wife holding Mayor Stubbs....

  2. One of my favorite pictures from our trip to Alaska in 2012.

    This is what happens when an eagle gets tired of a crow messing with it.


    The sea otters would come out and play every evening in the same spot right outside our rooms at the lodge.



  3. Some of my Route 66 pictures, between Tulsa and Vinita Oklahoma...

    The Blue Whale was a famous swimming hole back in the day.

    The Gas station is an old DX station, that has been converted to a museum. My tail lights started out nice and clean. By the time we arrived here, the were dirty...

    Views of what's left of the original road.









    ^^ NOT a photoshop'ed image.  Tried numerous time to capture the perfect splash from the lens mug.

    I've got the same cup!!!

    Your picture reminded me of this one that I captured while playing with the camera after building a fire pit for my wife. This also is not a photoshop image. I call it Hell's Kitchen Flame.post-1536-0-25030300-1439566358_thumb.jpg

  5. While waiting for my water pump to come back from the rebuilder, I decided to clean up the hot water tube. After 47 years of rust and crud, I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Spent about 1 1/2 hours using Navel Jelly and a red scotchbrite pad to get rid of the rust followed by Metal Polish 1 & 2. First picture is of the tube still on the car, second is of the tube cleaned up.



  6. The level cars are getting to in terms of power and speed is simply jaw dropping. Even 10 years ago no one would have seen these numbers - makes you wonder what will be out there in another 10 years from now.

    George Jetson vehicles of course....post-1536-0-67895600-1436489392_thumb.jpgpost-1536-0-73915500-1436489425.jpg

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