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Captain Slow

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Everything posted by Captain Slow

  1. I washed, clay barred, polished and Machine Super Waxed the wife's '07 TBSS. Presently my brother in law and 2 nieces are here disturbing my Sunday afternoon nap. Oh well...
  2. :worth: I'm talking about the drywall job not the physical!
  3. I gave her the pre-winter special today. The interior just needed a quick vacuum and dusting. Under the hood also just needed a quick wipe down plus a misting of SVRT which I mixed SVRT + de-ionized water @ 50/50. I gave her a quick Adam's Waterless Wash to remove the crop dust then clay barred. I dropped the clay bar after the second panel. GRRRRRR! I'm happy I got in on the 2 clay bar deal several weeks ago or I'd have been heading to the store this AM to make Barry some more $$. I followed that up with a quick polish. I had a couple places that needed compounding due to people rubbing up against her in the parking lot when she's dirty. I followed that up with a coat of Adam's Machine Super Wax (now Super Sealant.) :pc:I'll follow up tomorrow morning with another coat. This was my first time w/MSW. IMHO it leaves the finish even more silky satiny feeling than does Americana and to me that's saying something. On a sad note: I ran over my M105, but I'll be replacing it w/SSR. I'll go out and get some pics to post up in the Show n Shine cars section.
  4. I looked at my dirty G8, then the rainy for the next two days forecast. HMMMMPH! I washed her last Tuesday evening. Friday night she got rained on, then again on Saturday, then again on Sunday, then again on Monday, then again on Tuesday and again today. I think I'm starting to see a pattern here...
  5. I'm listening to the clock on the wall go tick-tock. Mama and the twin daughters are napping. I love my quiet time.
  6. Ouch, fellow G8ers are busting my stones. The quote I used is from post #609 posted @ 10:04 AM. The post with: :worth: did not appear until post # 612 posted @ 3:13 PM. Time elapsed was just over 5 hours. :jester: Splittin' hairs huh?!?!? Jeez, I should be a lawyer... nah, then no one would like me.
  7. Congratulations! :2thumbs:Daughters are a father's delight. MAYBEN, you feeling all right? After your congratulations I was expecting this from you: :worth: Slipping in your advancing age ???:jester::jester: As to the OP: I two bucket washed my G8 GT today. She was filthy and I was embarrassed. I followed up with Detail Spray and the pride is back.
  8. I had samplers of all 4 of their compunds/polishes. I too had an issue with micro marring. This was before I found Adam's. I ended up purchasing M205 to "fix" what their product did to my car's finish. I now know FMP would have done the trick. I disposed of their unused product when our city had a hazardous waste disposal day. The other reason I've switched and stayed with Adam's is Adam himself. I have had Adam compliment me on a detail last year, give me advice on a first bicycle for my twin daughters, point me in the right direction for an idea I had for the company I work for, etc. I put that along with the outstanding customer service and I have no reason to leave. OP: Have you ever had any contact with Mr. Chemical Guy? I've never once had contact with Barry Meguiar, Mr. PoorBoy, Richard Griot, or any of the rest. Also they have scantily clad gals on their website. What specifically does that do to enhance the shine on a vehicle?
  9. I loaded up the trunk with all of my detailing arsenal and headed to the home of my employer of the last 28 years. On Tuesday AM his 30+ year old garage door opener stopped about 3/4 of an inch from letting his silver 2010 Lincoln MKS AWD through unscathed. There was weatherstripping scuff marks from one side of the roof to the other. I gave it a quick bath to start then got to clay barring the car with Adam's Clay Bar and Detail Spray. For the scuff marks I ended up using Meguiar's M105 on a 6" Lake Country orange CCS pad followed by M205 on a 6" Lake Country white CCS Pad. ( When I exhaust my Meguiar's compounds/polishes I'll replace them with Adam's, unless Dylan tempts me sooner with one of those Daily Specials, ahem, HINT!) The rest of the vehicle was in great shape so it got a double coat of Adam's Americana Paste Wax. The interior got a light cleaning and the glass got sealed with Adam's Glass Sealant. Tires got SVRT as well. No pics, I was there to knock this out and get back home. I ended up spending 4 hours+. About 45 minutes of it was us two chit-chatting. I grabbed an ice cold beer out of the garage refrigerator before I left, I think it was A&W...
  10. I went to the office and watched it POUR on my car. It needed it I'm sad to say.
  11. How did you first hear about Adam's Products? I was a life long user of Meguiar's, 25+ years. On the G8 board I'd check out the appearance and detailing subsection on a daily basis. There are a lot of Adam's users there. I joined up and lurked in the winter through the spring. At about this same time I saw a reflection shot of a Stryker Blue G8 that had a far better and deeper sheen on it then I had ever seen in my G8. Along comes April of 2010 and I was on one of my Customer Service kicks when I decided that if Dylan can give away all that great advice then the least I could do is support Adam's. I perused the online store and kept coming back to the Sampler Kit. I ordered it and was more than impressed by the results I got. Then came the Waterless Wash kit, Americana, Judges kit, Vac n Blo, etc. I also learned of the Adam's Dealer network and have visited them and left $$$ with them as well. Over the course of a year and a half I have weeded out Meguiar's and replaced it with Adam's. I couldn't be happier. Why will I stay with Adam's Polishes? In my many years of using Meguiar's I never heard a word from Barry Meguiar, though I do watch his "Car Crazy" show. On this forum Adam has complimented my detailing results and gave me tips on selecting the first bike for my twin daughters. http://www.adamsforums.com/forums/showpost.php?p=118543&postcount=14 That's a personal touch that can't be replaced by slick marketing, TV shows or low prices at Wal-Borg. Adam's Polishes reminds me so much of the company I have worked for for over 28 years. We'll never be as big as our biggest competitors, but we out service them EVERY DAY. As long as the products and service remain the best in the industry my detailing money will go here and no where else. To quote Jimmy Buffett: I have found me a home.
  12. I drove to the office for the morning in my freshly cleaned and Brilliant Glazed G8 just in time for a 5 minute rain shower followed by a sick azz bird bomb. That bird got my roof, left rear window and left rear door handle. I don't know what that bird ate, but YUCK! I'm glad I keep neoprene gloves in the trunk and Thank God for that Adam's emergency kit.
  13. I drove to the office this morning in a hellacious thunderstorm. We had 65+ mph winds and sideways rain. I dodged garbage cans, tree branches and assorted flying debris but fortunately no hail. When I got to the office my wife called to say we lost an apple tree. It snapped off at ground level. On a good note I got to test Adam's Glass Sealant which worked GREAT! I didn't use the wipers at all on my morning commute.
  14. I put the girls down for their afternoon nap and hit the garage. It was 104 in there. After two plus hours I had Cali dusted the G8, clayed the glass and sealed it with Adam's Glass Sealant. I then cleaned the interior glass. I forgot just how good Adam's Glass Cleaner is. (I had ran out and was finishing out the old stuff from Barry's. It's going to the office with me on Monday, we can clean the mirrors in the can with it I guess.) I WCWed the car. I then used the 4" Focus pad kit and fixed the mess I had made on the lower trunk shelf by carelessly resting then dragging topsoil bags across it. I also touched up the tail lights and finished off by giving the G8's rear end Americana x 2. No beer in the fridge so it was big glass of cold water, green popsicle and then into a cool shower. Thank you Adam's for this afternoon's Zen, it was needed and I appreciate it immensely. BTW: I just stumbled on this 'making words into links stuff.' Ain't technology the shiznit?!?!
  15. I don't know why Rich, but I keep hearing this song in my head about a 3 hour tour and the weather getting rough......
  16. I'm listening to the sounds of my house with children in it. Daughter #1 is watching Phineas and Ferb. Daughter #2 is playing her xylophone. I am blessed.
  17. I likes me some fishin' !! My fishing gear consists of over 3 dozen rods, 3 dozen reels, 3 gigantic tackle boxes and enough gear to stock a typical Wal Mart sporting goods department. I've got fly, spinning, bait casting and ice fishing equipment, heck I've even got a couple of cane poles. If my wallet was better stocked my shooting hobby would probably be the same. Finally, I am the Master when it comes to gardening and roses are a passion of mine. My absolute favorite is Peace: African Violets however are nemesis of mine, they commit ritual suicide at my mere presence.
  18. ....that goes without saying...
  19. The lovely Mrs and I 'decided' on building a deck instead of a patio. No, that's not true, she won, we're getting a deck, not a patio like I wanted. She won. It's her deck though, all I'm doing is paying for it and sitting on it. Power washing and any other maintenance is hers and hers alone. Methinks spending a lot of $$$ at the Adam's booth tomorrow at Bloomington Gold will make feel better.
  20. I slept in. I'm up with the birds most days, today, a day off found me sleeping until 7:30 AM. I'm well rested, but it feels like half the day is gone.
  21. Holy cow I didn't know they had a video. That song was the iTunes free song of the week the week of August 22, 2009. I show the genre as "annoying" but surprisingly I've played it 37 times. That puts it right above Evanesence's "Call me when you're sober" and right below Toby Mac's "Ignition." This is no where near any of the kids' song which number in the 100-200 play range. It's also one of the very few songs that I never assigned a number of stars to. It is one of those songs that gets people to go look at the iPod or ask "who is this that we're listening to?" Now I wonder how many days this song will rattle around in my head. This was the song in my head that past few days: <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kc34Uj8wlmE" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="349" width="425"></iframe>
  22. I gave my G8 GT a quick bath. Mama's TBSS gets it after I get home from the office tomorrow evening. I saw some parking lot damage that will need green pad fixin'; so I may be letting her drive my baby this coming weekend.
  23. <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1mD4jpZwTmY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="349" width="425"></iframe>
  24. I renewed my driver's license, aced the written and vision tests. Then went with the lovely Mrs. to go shoe shopping and then to the big blue store to get a laptop each for ourselves. This wireless stuff is pretty nifty.....
  25. Congratulations! As to the OP: I washed the car followed by clay bar and then Americana.
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