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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Captain Slow

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Everything posted by Captain Slow

  1. I lusted after the Ebony Black 2011 Taurus SHO parked in our parking lot today. It's the company president's new ride. It came with the dealer installed swirl option, along with every available factory option. I figure by this fall I should be able to convince him to let me "restore" his paint to better than new status.
  2. I drove to the office as usual and got rained on while coming home for lunch. I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY getting sick of this rain. (My apologies to those in TX, NM & OK.)
  3. The family and I went to my aunt's house right before the big T-storms rolled through today. We had dinner (pulled pork, corn on the cob, baked beans cole slaw, chips and chocloate cake for dessert.) and then selected things from her house to take. She is going into a retirement home and needs to declutter. I grabed her old guitar and three pictures. When we got home the twins went down for a much needed nap while Mama and I went out to the garage and replaced my Solo axlebacks with the original mufflers. I've decided to go a different direction with the daily driver. I'm going to tint the windows, get a Vararam intake and then get her tuned at Modern Muscle. Tomorrow morning, early, I'm off to the cemetery to see some old friends.
  4. I drove to the office, had a couple of reports to run and send, etc. After that was done and the phone had not rang ONCE in two hours, I decided to go wash the company errand runner. I used more of my ever diminishing Meg's collection. One of these days I'm going to bring it home and give it some Adam's lovin' but until then Barry's stuff will suffice. After I was done and came back in I was told by one of my staff the phone hadn't rang the whole time. Oh well, 10 more minutes and it's time to slide down the dinosaur's tail. Yabba dabba dooooo!!!!!
  5. Today, after a tour of our facility, I sat in on a lunch meeting with a long time account that has a multi-office optometry practice. We had an hours long discussion on customer service, in fact that's all we discussed. At the end of our meeting the practice owner told the CEO and the President of our company that my staff and I are the best they deal with bar none. WOOHOO!! What a great feeling and of course I shared their comment immediately with my staff. When I went to leave the office I noticed the local bird population did not share that opinion of me and my staff, they had blasted almost all of us. A little DS and a couple of old disposable MF towels and no more bird bombs. The rain spots and pollen though do remain.
  6. I dropped the girls off at Grandma's while the lovely Mrs. and I both toil at our respective occupations this Saturday AM. I heard the ghost this morning as did one of my coworkers (that's a story for another time.) I walked the building and collected aluminum cans for recycling. We collect cans and all the money we get goes into the twins' college/tech school fund. We also do this with garage sale proceeds, found money and birthday gifts. Them two have close to 5K each so far. Hopefully .gov won't come along and confiscate it...
  7. I gave my G8 a coat of Americana after yesterday's bath. Aaaahhh, the love affair continues....... is it wrong to play Barry White while applying Americana ??? Americana= :2thumbs:
  8. I came home at lunch time to the sound of tornado sirens. They stopped about a minute after I left. When I got home I checked out the NWS radar and see the storm is fading out.
  9. I drove to the office with the windows down, it was in the low 70s! Now it's in the mid 80s.....mmmmm nice! On an even better note, a coworker just bought a BLACK Dodge Avenger and he wants to keep it pristine. Of course I'm taking him my next to last Adam's DVD got to get him started on the right track. Unfortunately his vehicle came with the dealer installed swirl option but I may just offer to take them out N/C IF he gets some Adam's products to keep it up. I'm suggesting this as a minimum: http://www.adamspolishes.com/p-570-adams-basic-wash-wax-kit.aspx I'm suggesting this as an even more practical solution: http://www.adamspolishes.com/p-523-adams-ultimate-2-bucket-car-wash-kit.aspx And of course I'll tell him about this:
  10. Went in to the office for the morning then to Grandma's to pick up the twins. I noticed tar on the rear quarter panels so the hose, buckets and Adam's goodies are in the garage waiting for me. Guess where I'm going now? Out to the garage to find MY zen.
  11. I went to the doctor for a check up and got good news. All the numbers that should be down were down, all the numbers that should be up were up, WOO HOO!!! I'm down 19 lbs since January and I'm taking it off the way it went on; slowly.
  12. I installed kick mats on the back of the car seats since my twin daughters have yet to grasp the meaning of "get your feet off the seat." I also slept in on my last day off this month.
  13. I went to the dentist for 6 month cleaning; no cavities, etc.
  14. I took the family to meet Grandma for early Easter service. Hallelujah, He is risen! We then had breakfast at the church; the youth pastor is a former chef and he made quite the spread this morning. We then got home and took pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses. This is the only one usable out of dozens: OH NO! A dandelion!
  15. I changed the left rear tire this AM in the company parking lot after picking up a screw in it last night. I did it there because I needed a breaker bar (from maintenance dept. ) on the lug wrench to loosen ONE lug nut. Penetrating oil did NOT do the trick last night. I'm gonna have me a talk with my mechanic...... I was happy to see the spare tire looked factory fresh after sitting in the trunk since last summer. At that time I scrubbed the wheel and tire, treated the wheel to some of Barry's NXT wax/sealant and SVRT on the tire. Of course now I have to get the rest of the vehicle to match it.
  16. I went in to the office but instead of the usual Saturday AM we had a staff meeting with the owners of the company. We had an enjoyable and productive 3+ hours of brainstorming, problem solving, etc. Today is rainy and cold so no garage time. I may even take a nap with the twins if they'll ever settle down.
  17. I love Americana and I love the 4" polishing pad kit, two VERY BIG thumbs up. Before (after the collision center) After:
  18. I went to the office then got the girls from Grandma's house. Got them home and down for their nap which gave me GARAGE TIME!!!! I gave my baby a bath then broke out the Adam's Clay Bar and Detail Spray. That stuff is the shiznit!!! Tomorrow I plan to break out the DA polisher and fix the mess made by the "professionals" at the scratch & dent fix-it place. I'm doing this a couple of weeks early because of the beautiful weather. Today was sunny and mid 70's tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and mid 80's .....followed by possible mayhem and destruction: HAZARDOUS WEATHER OUTLOOK NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHICAGO/ROMEOVILLE IL 429 PM CDT SAT APR 9 2011 A SIGNIFICANT AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS OUTBREAK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS APPEARS LIKELY LATE SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR MORE LIKELY SUNDAY EVENING. TORNADOES...DAMAGING WINDS...AND LARGE HAIL ALL APPEAR QUITE POSSIBLE. :willy: :willy:
  19. I got up late, about 6:00 AM, went downstairs and took my Benicar. Then had strawberries, toast and a glass of apple juice just in time for the morning constitutional. (I'll bet you never thought you'd read THAT on Adam's Forum!) Showered, shaved and off the office where I regretted not taking three days off instead of the two I did. Came home at lunch time, brought the garbage cans in and talked to my three favorite girls, then returned to the office until some time after 5 PM. I brought the flag in (I also put it out every AM) and then headed home. After I got home I had to kiss Abigail's boo-boo on her arm which led to Caitlyn getting jealous and also wanting hugs and kisses from Papa. After hugs, kisses, tickles and 2.75 year old conversation we had dinner. Bath time for the girls and I'm in here instead of in there. Life is grand!
  20. WOW! You've sure earned this from all of us: Thank you Adam. You sir, are the best.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
  21. I'm listening to the robins in the lilac bush right outside the window. I think they're twitterpated. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/twitterpated YEAH SPRING !!!!!!
  22. I thought it was just my tub that had that issue, and it's not been exposed to that temperature. I keep mine in doors in an air conditioned closet (in warm weather months.) In the winter we keep the house at 68*
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