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Customer Service 866.965.0400


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Everything posted by wildcatz80

  1. Thank You. Yes, it was. She feeds my addiction..haha
  2. Thank you @ObsessedDetailer ☺️. I remembered when I wanted to be older then 18 couldn't wait. Now I'm like getting older ugh..haha. It's part of life and we got to enjoy every moment. ?
  3. They posted this picture in IG. Displaying them bottles.
  4. I do both. I buy a bunch of soft T shirt and my wife print the logo of Adams Polishes on them.
  5. lol Jim. I knew someone would type it. Now it comes to car washes..
  6. Sorry to hear that Tim. ♥️
  7. Nice. Did you add the code SHINE? if you did you saved 6.00 total $34.00. If you forgot called them up see if they can honor it. But yeah that's a steal right there already.
  8. Can't wait and see that Man Cave of a garage.
  9. Congrats Matt. Now sell it to me.. I give you 200.00 for it? lol
  10. Thank you! good luck on them Mystery Creates. Anything that comes from them is a good deal.
  11. I was a witness on how dealership workers wash the cars. It's always a rush thing trying to finished fast to do other things. They didn't used the proper microfibers to dry and cleaned the vehicle. This happened at the vent Adam hosted Keyes of Van Nuys. I agree with @pirahnah3 Hobbyist is the right word for us.
  12. No, I have been getting some in MB's and trades. But I had bought a set when they did the collaboration. I have 1 untamed DS on my way still.
  13. After applying PS if you still see haze try Brilliant Glaze. That should remove the haze left behind from Paint Sealant . This happened to me when I did it the first time. Hope it works for you.
  14. I use a mini Ryobi blower. Dedicated only to my Cars and Kawi ZX6R it's 50.00 at Home Depot. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Ryobi-18-Volt-ONE-Compact-Blower-P755/301289973 I got lucky and found one on eBay for 23.00 no batteries which I didn't mine because I have like 6 batteries for it. I don't like the idea of having a cord attached. If Adams Polishes would come up with a battery operated one I would buy.
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