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Everything posted by RayS

  1. I have used Ceramic Boost 1.0 on top of wax and by itself a few times. While I agree with @shane@detailedreflections that as far as doing a whole vehicle it probably doesn't make the most sense, I have done one to try it. However, the rims, back of the outside mirrors, front clip and other places that get a lot of bugs or brake dust, it seems to make cleanup that much easier. If you have a truck with Flat Black running boards, it makes them stand out and clean up much easier also. The place that I found it to be exception as a complete standalone product is on the lawn mowers (rider and push), both the outside and under the decks. When I'm done mowing, all I have to do is hit them with the blower and the grass and dirt comes right off. On the motorcycle, I use it on the underside of the fenders, again it makes it easier to clean off anything that gets on there. I'm sure an actual coating would be a step up, but I can't see investing in a coating for the lawn mower when CB 1.0 does the trick. A friend up north also said it works good on snow shovels and keeps the sticky wet snow from actually sticking. I have not had to try it in South Carolina, so I cannot confirm that it works, but it sounds reasonable based on the lawn mower experience. If you get a bottle by choice or via Mystery box, keep it and experiment, you'll find uses even if they are unconventional.
  2. Being in the south we deal with heat and humidity and I have found that the humidity has more of an effect than the heat does on the products, especially the cure/flash time. This has been rather noticeable with the waxes, a bit more with HGG and really affects CB 1.0 timing. I have purchased multiple Acurite Humidity and Temperature Monitors, Model #00309SBL, to help tabulate the differences. I have one in the room where I store my chemical's, one in the garage and one is being kept on the detail cart. The unit I went with is from Acurite and is Lowes #396632 and is $9.98 (plus a 10% discount if you are a veteran), here is the link at Lowes: https://www.lowes.com/pd/AcuRite-Digital-Weather-Station/1000162483 The unit tells you the high and low Humidity and Temperature for a 24 period, so you will always know how high low the conditions were for your chemicals. The one on the detail cart will provide you the information where you are working. Here is where I put it on my cart and a closer look of the display. I plan on charting the timings for curing along with the temperature and humidity to get a better of idea of how many or few panels I can do at time to get a consistent product outcome. Note to weather buffs: My PWS is KSCWESTC15 - Western West Columbia For anyone interested, you can see the weather conditions in my back yard here: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KSCWESTC15
  3. I have gone BG then Americana and about a week later, topped it off with BG again and WOW is all I can say. As others indicated it doesn't last a long time, but the combination is fantastic.
  4. Nice job on both. The rims on the Audi are about the same as the Range Rover. If you go over them with Ceramic Boost the brake dust will not collect nearly as much. Just make sure the rims are cool to the touch before you do them to prevent streaking. If you didn't use Brilliant Glaze as the final step, try it on a future wash, it will make the white really pop, but is only lasts a few days.
  5. There are multiple manufacturers of Bedliner available, so I have substituted Line-X, RhinoLiner (Zeibart), etc., for "Bedliner" Some of the shops will offer hand taping, usually for an extra charge. This is accomplished using the same method that body repair shops use for a local repair or respray. The shops that offer this are usually the same ones that will do Rocker Panels or the fenders behind the tires and you can even find shops that will do the wheel wells and tow hooks. Just so you know "Bedliner" on your tow hooks is a lot better than Plasti-Dip, even though I am a fan of Plasti-Dip. "Bedliner" can normally have a color pigment added to match your truck, which is nice for the Rocker Panels, tow hooks and such. Any of these methods runs the risk of contaminants and light marring, but so does anything that touches your vehicle. I do agree that the blankets that already have hardened "Bedliner" on them being dragged across your vehicle, is not the best approach.
  6. I have been getting vehicles between 10 and 30 years old some good, some bad and some beyond cosmetic repair, so I would be very interested in this to see what the limits and outcome is.
  7. Overall the site looks nice and as recommended by @BigBlue2007 add the details on type of services, address and phone number. You are dealing with a lot of farmers in the area, so you are going to get a wide variety of requests. Also, I recommend you spend some time going through the information that @shane@detailedreflections has provided, there is some really good info. There was one price that stood on your web site: Scratch Removal - $20 per scratch. My brother-in-law in Chilton has a full size pickup, crew cab, long box that has a scratch from the headlight to the taillight. First, I doubt that it can even be removed and I know it can't be done within 15 minutes or so. Myself, I wouldn't call it a scratch, but he's a farmer so it is just a scratch according to him. I would recommend changing the statement to Scratch Removal, quoted upon request or something similar, but I would not give a price upfront. Do you have all-weather service or an indoor facility? I know how cold it gets in Appleton and it really sucks to have your car get wet and every door freeze shut, so an all-weather service or indoor facility would be a good incentive to use your business from October-April. If you have mobile services, what is your service area, either list the City/towns or the counties. If it is the counties, think about the distances that could be covered with Outagamie, Calumet and Winnebago. I will also recommend an extension to your services. There are a lot of campers and motorhomes in the area that are stored for upwards of 8 months a year and last summer my father-in-law, also in Chilton, could not find a service to clean his before heading up there from Florida. Just having a clean, washed and fresh smelling motorhome/camper is something you may find many snowbirds and year round residents interested in doing in the spring.
  8. I have multiple practice vehicles, but I don't tell the children that I use their vehicles for testing. The kids are always happy, they get free detailing along with touch ups and I get to learn about the products and usage methods. My wife's car also gets some testing, only because she get any new products used on her car first, but I'm real careful on that one. As for the variances in the paint, I am finding more variance between the years than between the manufacturers. We have red vehicles from 1994 - 2017 and many manufacturers, Chevy, Ford, Lexus, Mazda, Range Rover, Subaru and Toyota. Nearly every vehicle is Red, so that does help level the field for learning the products and comparing the differences. I'm not sure you would get the same comparison if you were trying different chemicals/techniques on a White and Black panel to compare.
  9. Until I used Iron Remover on all the vehicles, I didn't how much iron, rail dust, etc., was on each vehicle. The Malibu wasn't bad, the Colorado had a bit more, the CX-5 a bit more and the Range Rover is always nasty. I know part of the problem with the Range Rover is the brake pads, they have got to be change to something better, but the amount that accumulates on the vehicle is crazy. I 've also found that a bottle does seem to go a long way. As for the wife's involvement, she's a co-dependent. She tells me when there are sales, she makes sure the orders are always $100 or more to prevent the shipping charges. This is also why I make sure my wish list always has plenty of products in it. Unless I tell her I need someone, she picks items off the wishlist that are on sale and orders - I have a wonderful wife, and yes I keep her car spotless.
  10. If you are looking for something that will make either vehicle really pop for that special evening, get a bottle of Brilliant Glaze. It only lasts a few days at best on the exterior, but for a Saturday Date night or special event, on top of the wax or HGG, it gives the Wow effect. Also, check out the video on using it on the inside of your windshield. For the outside of the windshield, the Glass Sealer and Glass Boost work very well and while the bottles look small they will last you a long time. Good luck with your vehicles and don't forget to share your pictures.
  11. I split mine up a bit further than @falcaineer, but I'm not sure if Chris uses Ceramic Boost or not. HGG - Separate Ceramic Boost - Separate Old towels for Wheels, Tires, Engine Bay, etc - Separate Everything else goes together in one load. I have always kept the old towels and those that get very dirty separate from the newer towers to try and prevent any cross contamination. I hope that once I learn more about what Ceramic Boost does to a towel, if anything, I can combine then with the HGG or general towels.
  12. That would be such a beautiful car if it were in Red, yet is still one sweet looking car. I would probably have to hide the 9.3 mpg from the wife, but then again she understands that a real car doesn't always get the best mileage.
  13. One of the teams I manage is a Customer Support team and they get bogged down with volume and yes the summers are a bit worse with so many people taking vacations and such. If every person started emailing me instead of the support mailbox, then I would not be able to handle the few escalations and true priority items that are coming in. Customer Support can be a thankless job, but we are fortunate in dealing with Adam's that they are some of the best. In fact, I have referenced Adam's support to my own team in an effort to improve our customer service.
  14. At least my wife lets me have the stickers - at least as long as I don't touch her mints.
  15. The wife wanted a new car a few years ago and after many test drives she settled on the Malibu. It is very comfortable for traveling and there is plenty of room. The power is good, gas mileage is great and it has been reliable for 87,000 miles. I tried to convince her that she wanted a GTO with the 6-speed and she agreed it was nicest standard she'd ever driven, but that was not what she wanted.
  16. Welcome Michael. There is nothing like a Red vehicle taken care of with Adam's products.
  17. The test spots can tell you a lot and if you are unsure with the first test spot do a second one. In the case of the Mustang, I spent a half hour doing the two test spots and I stopped since I knew I had a major paint issue and it required expertise. After contacting the painter, I was given some simple instructions of what not to do, such as Wax, Coat, etc., as it just results in more work for them to prepare the car for painting.
  18. Unfortunately, that roof looks very familiar to a Mustang that I working on. There are some great advise from several members on how to find out if it is the clear coat failing or if you can restore it. I hope your truck is luckier than the Mustang and it is early enough for a correction.
  19. Thank you for passing on the information about Grabiak, who can be found by going to gpcperformance.com/products/brand/adams_car_care They do seem to be well stocked according to their web site and I will keep the site handy for dealer exclusive items or when Adam's main site it out of stock.
  20. I have WW in my travel bag to be able to get any light particulate off the car when I arrive at my destination. The RW stays in my garage and is used on the rainy or cold days when the car needs to stay inside the garage. I have also used WW at home a few times when the car just needed to be touched up a bit more than Detail Spray itself was appropriate for. A quick touch up before a night out to make the car really pop is to hit it with WW and then go over it with Brilliant Glaze. As @falcaineer and @Rich they are two different products and both have their purpose.
  21. I need to get more pictures of the car as it is today, here are a couple that were taken in October 2001.
  22. Unfortunately, there is no Facebook, it is not just me there are many others in the same pattern. If Facebook works for you, I understand that and do not fault you for using it, it is your choice and I respect that. If Adam's went to selling only on Facebook, they would not get my business as I would not be able to order from them - it is a business decision. If there are other dealers that have a web page that forum members reliably use, post who they are, I'm sure they would like some additional business.
  23. It does seem like a strange business model, but I guess it works somehow. Dealers are far and few between - Nothing close to Columbia, SC - except the few items one of the Chevy dealers has Dealers don't have web pages - Detail Giant as an example Some products are exclusive to dealers. If the product is exclusive (dealer only) and kept secret (no web site), then how do the 90'sh percent of us that don't have a local (walk in the door) dealer by us find out about or get the product? Call me curious, but I don't see how the model works for so many people scattered around the country. I do see how the model works for the local (walk in the door) dealer since it is a way to get people to stop by and see what is new and dealer exclusive, so if that is the intent I get it.
  24. I stopped after the 2nd test spot since I was pretty sure it was going to start bleeding like stuck pig. Based on the way the clear coat just wiped away, I'm pretty sure I would have had a red bucket very quickly. While the Mustang of out getting a repaint and curing, we'll be doing a 1994 Lexus SC400 - at least this one has been taken care of and yes it is Red. The next update on this thread will probably be late October or November based on the repaint and curing time info I'm getting.
  25. I got the Mustang this weekend and was able to get the test areas done. While the dirt came off rather easily, what was supposed to be the clear coat came with it. After doing a full inspection of the car, it needs more than a wet sand and clear coat reapplication as there are way too many places where the paint is cracked to the sheet metal. It is going to need a complete paint job. Since we know this needs a complete repaint, I think it changes the final outcome to being a candidate for Ceramic Coat - time for more research. Thank you all for your reviews and feedback in helping to get the first phase of the body restoration underway.
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