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Everything posted by RayS

  1. I am also an advocate of Glass Sealant and Glass Boost. I treat the windshield with Glass Sealant about ever 3 or months and then follow up monthly with Glass Boost. If we get an exceptional amount of rain or the windshield gets dirty I use Glass Boost again. Across 6 vehicles, I still have 3/4 bottle of Glass Sealant and close to that of Glass Boost. In both cases a little goes a long way. Habit is that when I do the outside of the windshield with Glass Boost, I do the inside of the windshield with Brilliant Glaze and have a spotless view. Also, I have tried Glass Boost alone on the outside mirrors and the dew and rain runs right off.
  2. Welcome to the Forum Brenden. @falcaineer I lived in Alexandria and then then Rosslyn my first tour in DC (Capitol and WH). My second tour at DC was on Buzzards Point and we lived in Falls Church. I still get to visit the area on a regular basis going to Fairfax and I stay at the Marriott at Fair Oaks.
  3. Thank you for putting this together. Being in South Carolina we are often faced with temperatures and humidity that are off the scale. The all time record set June 29, 2012 was 113 ambient, the heat index was 121 - just a nice warm day. In planning my new climate controlled garage, I want to make sure I get the right system. Disregarding personal comfort, what is that the optimal temperature and humidity range for: Performing corrections? Sealing and waxing vehicles? Apply Coatings? Is it recommended to keep the vehicle at the optimal range for a certain period of time after applying the item and if so, what is your recommended time.
  4. My wife and I are both proud of the years we spent in the service, yes we are both veterans. We also very much appreciate those who served before us, after us and are serving today. I know there are members here that collect limited edition sprays, I collect Eagles. Paintings, prints, figurines and metal cut outs. My largest Eagle stands 4 foot high and weights in at just over 300 pounds. On Saturday, I picked up a very unique Eagle made by another veteran from 13 different types of wood and it is beautiful. The wings are 13 inches each to give a large and distinctive look. We also look for businesses that appreciate the veterans, Adams, Lowes and a few others. To all of you who appreciate the veterans, I thank you for supporting us.
  5. I am in complete agreement about the lenses being more important than the body. I'm on my 2rd body for the lenses that I started collecting in 1983 for the Minolta. The one thing I will recommend is that if you want longevity for you lenses, make sure you go with equipment primary equipment to ensure they will be supported for many years. In addition to the 6 lenses and one doubler, I have just about every cokin filter. The original camera, which I still have, is a Minolta Maxxum 7000 for reference. My favorite lens is the 28-80 macro, especially when playing with the cokin filters. I'm sure many other veterans know how cheap you could get things on base when you are are overseas, I know on my base pay, I couldn't have bought anything like that inconus. I'm in need of a new body and right now the Sony A7 iii is at the top of my list. Eventually, we ending up doing pictures and video's of weddings, retirements, school activities and various other activities. As for weddings, after 4 or 5 of them, we decided that nobody could pay us enough to do any more of them. Contrary to popular belief, it was not the bride, it was the mother-in-laws that made it such as challenge. Great work on the your pictures Shane. It should be pointed out that nothing can hide from the camera, which is why I look at your pictures and more importantly quality of work, in awe.
  6. We have 4 days of rain coming in so I hit the wife's windshield with Glass Boost. Whatever it takes to keep the wife happy.
  7. And then add some Brilliant Glaze for that special weekend and the white will really pop.
  8. I have found that a drop or two of car shampoo and the plastic razor blade works wonders. @tmevilsizor The margarine trick works on multiple items, I just don't have any in my house so I have to substitute other items. Canola oil works almost as good as margarine, but is a bit more effort to get cleaned off the item you removing the sap from. I do not recommend margarine or canola on a window, it just smears - no need to ask how I know... For anyone who does not have plastic razor blades in their kit, I highly recommend getting them, it is around $8 for 100 of them and you can get them from the big box stores, mail order, many auto parts stores and sometimes your local pharmacy. I keep them in my tool box, on my detail cart and in my travel bag.
  9. Great idea on the Do No Wash mirror hanger. I always have it written on the service order, but we know how well they are read sometimes. With the Chevy's I don't have to worry about it locally since the dealer knows my vehicles and the detailer always checks out my truck.
  10. The first vehicle I drove on a regular basis was a standard pickup with 3 on the column. After that truck, I got first automatic and then stuck with standards for the next 25 years as much as possible. My wife and both the girls know how to drive standards and I do believe that it is a good thing for everyone to at least learn.
  11. That sounds like it could be a good time and while I am not confirmed yet, my wife it talking about coming with me since it a 14 hour trip and we'd make it a mini-vacation. That leads to the question of how many others are looking at bringing spouses for a few days and are there any activities around for them to do in the area?
  12. I'm hoping it is something simple that can be used by the older family members in Florida. I get there a lot, but not often enough to have their vehicles and golf carts go without a touch up. Although, I am going to hit one of the golf carts with HGG and another with CB 2.0 when I go down later this month and then I'll see the results when I head back there in March or April.
  13. For those of us without facebook, does that mean we are not welcome? ? Given your track record, I'm pretty sure that is not the case, but if you could let us know how to RSVP or get communications, it would be appreciated.
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