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Posts posted by ledger64

  1. two towels.  worked top to bottom


    - one wet fold in quarters new side used as needed (like every other panel or so).

                 Found the product really saturates the towel so i used less product as i went along

    - one dry towel to remove product and water from the surface folded in quarters switching to a new side every other panel or so. removal is very easy little effort needed.


    Dylan demo'd last Sat. using a masterblaster to get any water left in mirrors, emblems, and handles as well.

  2. I think they brought it back as a lower cost, easier entry option, for many weekend warriors who do not want to invest $350+ off the bat for Cyclo or Flex.  I applaud it, the PC was the machine I first learned on 10 years ago, and mine still works flawlessly to this day.


    Its a great machine for those just starting...  I have had mine for many years and it still works great.  Love it for 4" pad use for tighter areas and to spread wax, sealant, and glaze

  3. First use tonight of the H2O Guard and Gloss (HGG) from the show this weekend on my Daily Driver with is a 2004 Duramax.  I have a new favorite product!!!  After a quick 2 bucket wash I applied the HGG one panel at a time with a wetdouble soft towel followed by a dry double soft towel.  The product goes on and instantly starts working to activate and displace the water.  The drying and levelling with the second towel was effortless and leaves a nice glossy shine.  The whole process took approx. half an hour including the wash.


    A few notes:

    -  As I moved from panel to panel I found i sprayed less product as the applicator towel was primed with product from the previous section


    - the smell,  I have nicknamed it Super Grape is phenomenal.  if you don't want to smell like grape for the next couple hours then i suggest wearing gloves. 


    - this week is going to be rain here in CT so it should be a good test to see the results.  I will update at the end of the week.


    The only real question I have is in regards to my towels that I used.  I currently have them sitting in a bucket with some APC.  Is this enough to remove the HGG or is there a different process that I should do to clean the towels?  Is it ok to mix these towels in with other towels when I was them?


    Didn't get a chance to take some pics as it was getting dark after I finished my clean up but ill try to grab some tomorrow

  4. Proudly bought two jumbo towels even though I promised I would buy anything before this weekends clinic


    having a child of my own with a heart detect I know all to well how stressful and worrysome it can be to have a child that needs special care. Happy to help and support others just like the many folks that have helped my family. In a day and age were many of us are wrapped up in superficial distractions its good to see people and taking the time and money to help our children as they are our future. Thank you to all the researchers, doctors, nurses, and parents for their dedication and sleepless nights striving to make the lives better for children with autism and the many other childhood disabilities and diseases.

  5. the flex sounds good but how do you get into those tight spots like around the back of a car trunk with emblems ? my pc I could but since it gave up on me got be wondering with a bigger pad.

    I do use the pc for smaller areas with a 4" pad.  You could always find another pc used or refurbed or fix yours whats wrong with it exactly?  Also there are other less expensive polishers out there and there are specific "mini" versions too that you could get for smaller areas.  Google is your friend.  Heck there was also discussion of one on this forum a few weeks back.  I would rather have the power and speed of the flex for the larger areas and have a second polisher for smaller areas vs cyclo.

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