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Everything posted by Fierce5

  1. Great job on the paint and I love the exhaust
  2. Awesome...and I love the signature!
  3. Beautiful and sexy car, inside and out....CONGRATS!!
  4. I founded an online business selling books and Media items on Amazon, Half, ebay, Alibris, Abebooks etc...It was under the umbrella of my father's business so I didnt really have to start from scratch. People used to email us 2 weeks after receiving the book saying things like there was a page missing or I found a dent on back cover or some other lame complaint and they used to offer me to "fix" the situation or they will post bad reviews. The first few times I gave in and offered stuff like 15% off so they dont return the book for a full refund but then I stopped doing that. I used to buy all the books and stuff BRAND NEW!! They used to blackmail me, and abuse the A-Z guarantee claim feature that Amazon offers!
  5. lol....that will happen soon, although I don't see the problem in keeping it open as long as the conversation will stay civilized and not turn into partisan jibber jabber
  6. Well, I remember the first time I saw a bumper sticker on a 1995 F-150 saying "If you don't like America, get the hell out" and I thought to myself that bumper sticker is ignorant. Disliking something is the key to change, the reason you would go and change or fix a rusty wheel or paint (since we are on the Adams forum) is because you don't like it, when you don't like the scratches, the swirls and faded color of your paint, you start getting down and dirty and fix that paint and finally when you're done and your paint look like it was on day 1, you brag here and everywhere with 50/50, before and after pictures. That's exactly what we need, we need to dislike the fact that our government is not working for us, we need to dislike that our jobs (yes, manufacturing and all, even the low paying ones) are being outsourced while we have a stubborn 8.2% unemployment rate (not adjusted for discouraged applicants and temporary workers), we have to dislike the fact that we are shipping cash by the pallets to Iraq and Afghanistan to help "support" them while we are running a deficit by the trillions. Yes, we have to dislike the fact that we spend tons of money on countries that hate us while we have roads going to New York City that are falling apart! America is our country, someone suggesting that you should leave America because they heard you complaining about it is like hearing you complaining about how hard it is to take care of your kid and some jerk suggest " hey, why don't you leave your kid and bounce". Now, complaining without action is what I don't like, in other words looking at your ugly paint and ranting about it then you go to sleep is what I don't like, I say complain and help fix in any way you can but complain and sleep is just stupid!
  7. Extremely impressive Dave. That's one hell of DIY
  8. That's an awesome job man!
  9. Congrats Dave... I really wanted to be there Next year
  10. Congratulations guys, my Camaro was always shining cause of your products. Well deserved! I wonder what's gonna happen to the ZR1? lol
  11. hahahahaha....exactly!
  12. That's REALLY AMAZING...to say the least. Job well done!
  13. I loved the Cruze when I test drove it before buying the GMC, I was almost going to buy it but decided on the GMC, still GM though It's such a nice car with a beautiful and comfortable ride, plus the turbo is not bad at all especially with the manual
  14. Congrats! Absolutely well deserved. Great company by great people with amazing products
  15. Hey Mayben, Let me know what you think about the 5100, that's what im planning to buy in the next couple of months. I did some research and i found that the 5100 won't be replaced until April or May of 2013 so we should be fine, Cameras really don't get obsolete fast, you got people still taking amazing pictures with 4 and 5 years old bodies. Lenses and skills make a difference
  16. Is the surge protector here good for a flex? What gauge?
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