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Everything posted by CMDChase

  1. An absolute MUST for headlight restoration.
  2. Go with the Flex. It is not difficult and is nothing to be afraid of. And it's the better of the two. Period. After doing a 2x2 test area, do the entire car with each step. I get about 3-4 uses out a clay bar. I don't save the used pieces, i just throw them away. IMO, it's not worth cross-contaminating another car with a used piece of clay just to say a couple of bucks. Keep watching the videos until you have them completely memorized. Then watch them some more. The first few times I fully detailed a car I would go back and forth from the video to the car with each step. It took forever to complete the job but was well worth it. And ask questions on or just read the forums. Everyone is extremely helpful and you will pick up tons of valuable information. Good luck!!
  3. I totally agree. I have 2 suv's and do the roof religiously. Just because you may not see it, doesnt mean its not there, IMO.
  4. Welcome, Steve. Great looking car.
  5. Welcome, Mike. I used to spend a lot of time in Atco at the dragway there.
  6. Had a great time. Got to meet up with a few ppl I knew before and got to make a whole lot of new friends. Thanks Eric for your hospitality. And thanks Dylan, Justin and Brandon for your excellent instruction. Watch out for Justin and Brandon. These young guys are going to be superstars in this business!! See everybody at the next one.
  7. Hadn't dawned on me before. Are you related to or affiliated with the Thompson dealerships in Doylestown? And...he will be raffling that Cayman off, right???
  8. Welcome. From Allentown here. If I can be of any help to you let me know. BTW the way the Phillies are playing you'll have more fun at the clinic.
  9. Thats really cool, man. I thoroughly enjoyed myself when my boys were that age.
  10. I've been using one for a while for my SUV's. Never had any trouble with slipping at all. Also, the cross support on the leg serves as a pretty good step for us old guys. (Haven't flipped it...yet ).
  11. I don't know if this topic is a repeat or not. If it is, I apologize, If not, maybe it'll be some fun. The first car I washed was my dad's '59 Ford. I was about 12 years old. The car was an ugly peach color with a puke green interior. Anyway, I got my galvanized bucket, a hose, some Ivory dish liquid and a bunch of old tee shirts my mom used as rags and went to town. Man, was I proud with the job I did.
  12. I bought a bottle of DWC at Carlisle yesterday and tried it today. Used it on 2 wheels and GWC on the other 2. Both worked well, but I didn't notice any difference between the 2. It didn't change color at all. Guess my wheels were too clean. I'll save the DWC for really bad wheels and use GWC for normal use. So, if you're going to buy a gallon, my vote is GWC.
  13. I would start with the bundle, a few extra glass towels and an extra great white. The revitalizer is a must, IMO.
  14. I agree with the foaming sprayer. I was disappointed. I even called Adam's to see if mine were defective.
  15. I personally went back to polishing, etc. first, the SVRT last. I didn't find it that much easier to remove the polish etc. from the trim one way or the other. But that's just a personal preference because I've been doing it in that order all along.
  16. Welcome Seth. Great overhead pic of the Camaro.
  17. Just got back from a great day at Spring Carlise. What a place!! Nice to meet Lynn and see Dave and Justin again. They do a great job.
  18. Just got back from a day at Carlisle. What a place. If you can't find what you need there, you won't find it anywhere. Was nice to see Dave and Justin again, and to meet Lynn. Enjoy the rest of your time out there, guys. (Oh yeah...stocked up on some goodies too.)
  19. Donation made. Best of luck with the show and the fundraising. Rescuing animals really is a great cause.
  20. Ben, the first time I used my PC, I was scared to death. But eveything came out great and still is with the PC or Flex. Best advice...watch the videos until you have everything memorized. Then watch them some more. You won't screw anything up. If can do it, anybody can.
  21. I'm bummed, Dave. I'll just be there as a spectator this time around. Hope to be there on Wednesday.
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