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Everything posted by JHL88

  1. just goes to show you HP isn't everything. Pretty big torque & weight differences too. Both BA cars
  2. Im taking a break as well. Detailing my wife's mini van
  3. you can MSS on the wheels but if you do that make sure it goes on extremely thin or youll have trouble removing it. you can also put wax on your wheels, it might be easier. The best option IMO is using Quick Sealant on wheels, between longevity and ease of use.
  4. Yes, i can feel it with my finger as well as with my nail. I actually just tried going over it with my 4inch green pad on my drill w/ SSR. It fixed it to a degree - i'd say about 80-85% better but its still visible if its pointed out. I didn't want to go any further as i didn't know how thick the chrome is so thanks for pointing that out. I had considered wet sanding it but like i said im not real familiar with chrome so i didn't go that route. Especially now, since I polished it pretty good im hesitant to go any further.
  5. Its on the front chrome end caps of my Silverado. I've never dealt with this before & have no idea how it happened.
  6. it should if there are no swirls/scratches causing the dullness/haziness. In that case you would need an abrasive polish like PCP or PFP on a flex for example. Revive is underrated and does not get talked as much as other products here IMO. On my next detail after i finish polish-correcting, i will finish off with a black sealant pad & revive on a low speed to really clean up the paint.
  7. You can actually buy a washing machine cleaner at your local retailer. http://www.soap.com/p/tide-washing-machine-cleaner-98702?site=CA&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc_S&utm_term=PG-3847&utm_campaign=GoogleAW&CAWELAID=1323166666&utm_content=pla&adtype=pla&cagpspn=pla There's an example. I don't have any so i put about 6-8oz of white vinegar in my washing machine and let it run through a whole cycle with water. If you're worried about your machine pre-soaking would help I would think. I know people here do wash their towels by hand but im not that patient. I've washed all my detailing towels in the washer for 3-4 years now without any problems when i figured out how to do it the right way. I do not put them in the dryer though, I hang dry ALL my towels.
  8. if you have scratches in isolated areas, and the paint is perfect elsewhere yes, just polish out those scratches. I would recommend using the 4 inch focus pads on a drill to get them out. Revive will not dull anything, it is a cleanser and will clarify/remove residues & wax if there is any.
  9. I will be holding on to the 36oz bottles i have & continue to use them especially for the DWC.
  10. nice. can't wait to use the 4 inch pads
  11. When i first started out I was doing a full detail on my 02 vette and used the 4inch focus pads on a drill without any problems. My advice i would give to you is you have to learn sometime. Knowing that it could cause damage and respecting it will allow you to be more careful in using it. Just make sure you keep the pad moving, Don't go nearly as slow as you would a PC. Be aware of how much heat you are generating with the drill, the more heat you make the easier it is to burn through the clear coat. Good luck!
  12. that was one nice studebaker. love those cars/trucks
  13. This is what i have http://www.powerequipmentplus.com/prdSell.aspx?Name=Karcher_X_Series_2000psi_Electric_Pressure_Washer&gclid=CPm9_KfUjLgCFdFi7Aod7EYAvQ I didn't really need a gas powered one since all i really use it for is cleaning really dirty cars & my foam cannon. My only complaint with the Karcher is its pretty top heavy & has fallen a over a few times. Other than that no complaints. Just FYI an electric vs gas PW has no different effect on the performance of the foam cannon IME.
  14. That thing look great man. I love de badging vehicles, it cleans them up really well IMO.
  15. pshh. He better have one if he actually does that practice. Im not going to lie.. IDK how this guy got started but i give him kudos that he has those opportunities. With that said, if i ever become filthy rich im going to call this guy to detail my car... and im going to watch him like a hawk and question him on everything... and at the end of the detail when he gives me the bill i will tell him im a detailer myself and hand him $300 with a smile.
  16. to spend that kind of money on a detailer... one must be rich as oil
  17. Man, love must be in the air here on AF lately! She's beautiful bud! I like the name too. Congrats!
  18. Im sure some of you noticed lately Ive been posting a lot, that's because I've been unemployed since mid-February after having to get out of the military (didn't want to and planned on staying in till i retired) for certain reasons. I've been putting in resumes left & right and got a call today for a phone interview with a power plant company for a Tech position. I have the opportunity to be making the same if not more money than i did when i was in the service. Keep in mind i don't have a degree in anything and also have a wife, 2 dogs & 2 sons to care for. Today, the interview went really well I thought but next week I'll have another phone interview and if i do good on that one, I'll have a face-to-face interview thereafter. I think I have a pretty good shot because the job description is almost a mirror of what i did in the Air Force except i won't be working on planes at this job. Please guys, keep me in your prayers that i get this job. I need it for my family's sake so we can get rolling again. I feel bad for my wife because she is paying for EVERYTHING & is sacrificing a lot. Thanks, ill keep you guys updated.
  19. yea must be a typo, I copy & pasted from another forum.
  20. .. And i actually belong to that forum...
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