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Everything posted by Redbeard

  1. Welcome! And trust me, after you wash with the Adam's products you'll be hooked!
  2. What he said, you do not have to rewash after clay. Some folks like to wipe down with Waterless Wash or alcohol, but that step isn't absolutely necessary, especially if you're working inside. You can start polishing right on the DS residue. Also, when going from Swirl & Haze Remover to Revive, you don't have to remove that residue either if you don't want to. But you do have to remove the polish residue before using sealant or glaze then applying wax.
  3. Yes, try it out. It adds depth to the glass and makes it very resistant to fingerprints.
  4. :welcomebanner:to the forum! I'm not sure what Adam's products you already have, but if your wheels feel gritty I'd start with the Deep Wheel Cleaner. Beyond that, I'd correct them as you would your paint: clay, polish, seal/wax. On the polish, start with the least aggressive method necessary. So hit a sample area with Fine Machine Polish, and if that's not doing it go to Swirl & Haze Remover or Severe Swirl Remover as necessary. When you get them corrected, apply Quick Sealant for protection and to make them easier to clean in the future. If you want to add some shine, apply a coat of Brilliant Glaze and Americana. Also, try to post some pics of the wheels to get the best recommendations.
  5. Nice save! That thing looked pretty scary in the before shots.
  6. That thing looks nice! How long have you had it?
  7. :welcomebanner:Nice choice in detailing products! The car's not bad either.
  8. Cool pics! You must have some pull on base to just park in the middle of the street like that.
  9. to the forum! Since you're so close to Adam's World Headquarters, you might as well drive over and fill up the bed of the Raptor with more products.
  10. Glad you're here to tell the tale! Look at this as an opportunity for a cool new ride.
  11. I thought the title was referring to all the bug guts on the front of my truck at the moment.
  12. It reminds me of a Pearl drum color, Shimmer of Oz:
  13. Redbeard

    1 car garage

    If I ever build a house, it will basically be a garage with a loft for bedroom/bathroom.
  14. You got the new stuff. Since it was introduced, the only way to get the leftover old formula was to specifically ask for it.
  15. That's how you get 'em. Before, they think it's not too bad. Then they see the difference and swear you swapped in new parts! Also, this makes me think we should start showing dirty towels in the before/after shots...
  16. True, but there's never a bad time for DS!
  17. Ahem, This post from the previous page proves you had the tires in your possession! Now quit slacking and hurry up with some of your patented "it's so shiny it must be photshopped" pics of the beast!
  18. Redbeard

    1 car garage

    As long as your car fits, you can detail it in the driveway for space, then pull it inside to keep it out of the weather.
  19. John, I'm a little disappointed you didn't put SVRT on the tires as soon as you got them.
  20. I'm embarrassed driving around in a dirty truck, just imagine the pressure on Adam and the Shine Crew to never show up anywhere in a dirty vehicle.
  21. I like the look and layout of your site, and the photography is excellent. Also, good job including so many pics; you can never have too many when showing off your work (especially before/after and 50/50). I don't see a problem with the term "clients" but it does look a little odd to have two tabs with the same title.
  22. I can't wait to try this out! I'm pleased with the LIC, but is this intended to replace it?
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