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New to forums, from So.Dak.


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Hi. I've been using Adams Detail Spray the past couple of summers. I really like it, as well as the smell of it. My garage is not heated and it is VERY hard to keep up with keeping my Magnum clean in the winter. I also got some nice chrome rims last fall. I have been trying not to drive it as much in the winter, but not always possible. My immediate needs are to find something to clean up my chrome rims, and to help maintain them. Thanks for any suggestions, and I hope to learn a lot from these forums.


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Welcome Chad! :welcomebanner:


Green Wheel Cleaner (GWC) is a good choice if you get lots of brake dust. If you don't have that issue, try Adam's Car Wash (I use a foaming sprayer to apply). I would also recommend a Boar's Hair Wheel Brush and some Machine Super Wax to protect them.


There are several threads discussing if the factory rims are raw chrome or coated (similar to paint) - you may want to search for them if you are unsure.

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Welcome aboard. This is a great community. If you have any questions just search them out, or just ask.


Where in South Dakota are you? I was stationed at Ellsworth AFB for a couple of years, worked a lot with the BIA all over SD, and the Black Hills are still a favorite long weekend destination for me. A shiney car on the Needles Highway is a great sight to see.

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