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The TBSS got treated to 2 coats of Quik Sealant. I first polished the hood and front quarter panels. Those were the parts resprayed after Mama's July Bambi collision. The TBSS will get a full correction come next spring. Tires and trim got SVRT and all exterior glass got sealed. Lastly the wheel wells were made invisible. Mama asked if I do interiors, I told her "I hate interiors." She does too and turned down my offer to help her with it.

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Thank you! She was in shock. She was the one who scheduled her friend to take some fall pictures of us and our pups. So I talked to her friend and said I was going to propose and we came up with the game plan. Funny thing is we have lived together for almost 3 years but I was still really nervous to ask her. rupuqe6u.jpg

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Today I woke up and it was one of those "oh screw it" days. So I took my first day off in a year when it was 5:30, windy, and rainy.


I get up around 9 later and it is the most beautiful day we have had all year. 70 with a slight breeze and not a cloud in the sky.


I got up, ran some errands, then I re-plastidipped my winter wheels while I cleaned my engine bay and vacuumed the interior.


Then I studied for my test which I finished first and feel pretty confident about.


Now it is off to have some beers to celebrate my friend passing his year long probationary period at his fire station.


And also to get my broke friend obliterated because he just list his job and took midterms just like I did.


Cab's on me folks, don't worry.

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^ That needs a wash, clay and polish.


As to the OP: I 2 bucket washed the G8 then wiped her down with Detail Spray. After taking 30+ pics w/phone and Canon piece of %^&*, er I mean point & shoot I ended up with 4 marginally useful photos. I'm asking Santa for a good DSLR. I know, I know, I asked about one many moons ago but them little ones got priority on the wallet. :willy:

Edited by sportredmistress
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Got started early detailing a Mercedes S550. Thought it was going to be a standard job but this thing was wrecked! Took me forever just to get the paint cleaned before polishing.


Got home had a beer and ate way to much grub. I'm now in a Chinese Food Coma enjoying a cigar on the porch waiting for "Sandy" to arrive.

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...I was a Human Autograph book. I wore a white dress shirt and let people sign me. Needless to say I ended up with many phalluses on me by the end of the night.

How long until we see the pics on 9Gag? :jester::D:glasses:


As for the OP: Yesterday while washing the G8 I noticed some over spray on the left front quarter panel plus some marring from someone or something rubbing up against the right quarter panel. This morning I clayed the front end from the doors forward then hit it with FMP. The front end then got two coats of Quik Sealant while the rest of the vehicle got a coat of Americana. I did this in case the weather changes and I have no more garage time before winter sets in.


While applying the Americana I noticed that the bottom of the tub was showing in the center. After my much needed shower (P U! ) I gently microwaved the tub after removing the foil label. I got it to the pint of being just past mushy then flattened it by gently dropping it on the counter top from about one inch in elevation. Then it was out on to the deck box lid in the 40*F air for half an hour. I put the label back on, put the lid on and placed it in the refrigerator until the next use. I will flatten it some more with the applicator when I use it next. I estimate one more year out of the tub. This is not bad considering the use it has gotten since I purchased it in July of 2010. I'll have to count the uses it's received and then divide it by the cost to get an accurate up to the minute cost per use. I'll order more next spring at which time Americana 2.0 may be out. :xfingers:





Guys & girls: I'm just hoping, praying and wishing here. I have no knowledge of ANYTHING in the Adam's pipeline. The announcement of Detail Spray 2.0 has me hoping, praying and wishing for Americana 2.0 . If you can improve the best Detail Spray made then surely they can improve the best wax as well. :xfingers:




Yo! Props to Dylan for a great photoshop!!!:thumbsup:


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I did everything possible to prepare for Hurricane Sandy to arrive starting at 7:00 this morning. All the fences are boarded up with supports. All the outdoor furniture is put away. And we're stocked up on food, water, alcohol, candles, flashlights, ice, batteries, firewood, and board games. So I headed to my friends house to watch some football. Came home and ate dinner.


Now I just finished polishing and sealing our granite countertops. Hey, I had to do some kind of detailing today! :D

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