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Price of Gas Around the World Today:


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Got this email today, interesting!


Prices are quoted in US dollars per gallon for regular unleaded as of March 2011


Oslo, Norway $6.82

Hong Kong $6.25

Brussels, Belgium


London, UK $5.96

Rome, Italy $5.80



Tokyo, Japan $5.25

Sao Paul o , Brazil $4.42

New Delhi, India $3.71

Sidney, Australia $3.42

Johannesburg , South Africa $3.39

Mexico City$2.22

Buenos Aires, Argentina $2.09


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia $0.09

Kuwait $0.08

Caracas, Venezuela $0.12


Gee, if only the U.S. was an oil producing nation.....

Hey, wait a minute!!! we are ,what the heck happened??

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I paid about $8/U.S.gallon last summer in England, so their prices have come down! Most of their price difference is in the taxes - they want to discourage private transportation and encourage (and financially support) public transportation.

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Guest Jay.B
This is a shame!:mad: We need to get to work building Coal Plants to convert our US Coal into gas!:xfingers::thumbsup:



:iagree: It is a shame that we produce and have the abilities to manufacture anything we could ever need right here at home, but we sell to other countries who turn around and sell back to us at a higher price. I don't get it :confused:. What's the logic behind that?

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Adam...I'm censoring your post. Can I do that? :jester: Just as I was getting all calmed down about my road mishap this a.m., you light the fire in me! I could write volumes about gas prices, jobs, the economy...but all of you "get it" already. Why can't we be heard in Washington? It doesn't seem to matter which party is in office. Things keep getting worse.:mad:


Noone in this country, except our friends here in the forum can see the forest through the trees. Discouraging.

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Sickening... and as crooked as a dogs hind leg if you ask me, but it is what it is. Until I have enough coin saved up for that Tesla Model S I'm stuck paying well over $100 to put a tank of gas in my truck.


Keep saving up for that Tesla, Government Motors Volt, :patriot:Nissan electric or all the "Prius wanna bees" out there. You are falling for just what the government wants. It's no longer a government "for the people, by the people". They want to punish you for driving a gas powered vehicle. They are behind pushing up the prices as well as the greedy investors who speculate in oil commodities. The rest of us are "expendible".


I don't want, need or have any interest in ever driving a glorified electric golf cart.

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it's because gas in the USA and most other countries is taxed.

here is a link to the tax on gas in every state, plus the 18.4 cpg federal tax:



Middle Eastern nations that produce oil have a government subsidy on tax! the nation produces it, and gives it to the people for cents on the dollar!



i have nothing to complain about, i work in the oil & gas industry working oil fields right here in our own backyard! :patriot:


the price goes up, my income goes up; the price goes down, people start to get laid off or salary cuts happen... its volatile and cycles around every 10-15 years.

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one thing i have noticed is the price of gas compared to the price of oil is MUCH different than it was in 2007-08 when prices were this high! remember oil reached about $145 per barrel and the national average was about $4.12 per gallon = $173.04 per barrel. that is a $28.04 per bbl or $0.66 per gal difference.


today, oil is about $109 per bbl, and gas is about $3.81 per gal = $160.02 per bbl. that is a $51.02 per bbl or $1.21 per gal difference!


i will admit, most of that difference is profits, but distribution and refining costs have gone up as well, especially diesel now that only low sulfer diesel is being made.

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i will also say that a lot of people freak out about gas prices, but in all actuality, your really not spending that much more for it!


lets take the national average approach again:

average person drives about 13,500 miles per year

average car gets about 25 mpg

average household makes $46,000 per year


when gas is $3 per gallon, the average person spends $135 per month, or $1,620 per year on fuel. that is 3.5% of the average person's income.


when gas is $4 per gallon, the average person spends $180 per month, or $2,160 per year on fuel. that is 4.6% of the average person's income.


that is a $45 per month or $540 per year difference, only 1.2% more of your income going to fuel or 2.4% if your household has 2 vehicles... WHOOPTY DOO! if you can't afford that, then you either own a house you can't afford, a car you can't afford, racked up a lot of debt from being stupid, or lost a lot of money from being sued!


of course this is different for everyone, so calculate it out yourself.


i have 3 cars, we drive 2 of them about 1,500 miles each and one about 250 miles per month. my truck gets 18, my wife's SUV gets 20, and my car gets about 20 mpg. given our combined income, the difference in paying $1 per gallon more is an increase of 1.4% of my income going towards higher gas prices. :eek:

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i will also say that a lot of people freak out about gas prices, but in all actuality, your really not spending that much more for it!


lets take the national average approach again:

average person drives about 13,500 miles per year

average car gets about 25 mpg

average household makes $46,000 per year


when gas is $3 per gallon, the average person spends $135 per month, or $1,620 per year on fuel. that is 3.5% of the average person's income.


when gas is $4 per gallon, the average person spends $180 per month, or $2,160 per year on fuel. that is 4.6% of the average person's income.


that is a $45 per month or $540 per year difference, only 1.2% more of your income going to fuel or 2.4% if your household has 2 vehicles... WHOOPTY DOO! if you can't afford that, then you either own a house you can't afford, a car you can't afford, racked up a lot of debt from being stupid, or lost a lot of money from being sued!


of course this is different for everyone, so calculate it out yourself.


i have 3 cars, we drive 2 of them about 1,500 miles each and one about 250 miles per month. my truck gets 18, my wife's SUV gets 20, and my car gets about 20 mpg. given our combined income, the difference in paying $1 per gallon more is an increase of 1.4% of my income going towards higher gas prices. :eek:



I'm not disagreeing with what you are saying but being in Texas you should know that if you want something you have to drive 100 miles to get to anything usually. My family lives about 40 miles one way outside of San Antonio and my dad drives there 5 days a week, thats 400 miles in a week. When gas went up crazy a few years ago they decided that a mini was a good car for him and it has been awesome. Just to tell you how many miles he alone has put on his car, its a 2009 mini with 65K miles on it already.


I've had my car personally for 2 years now and it had 50K miles on it and it just rolled over 80K this week.


For the city people who drive 10 miles to work and back the gas isn't changing that much although they might think so, the people who it is hurting most is actually the farmers/small business owners who rely on transportation and would be out of business without it.

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when gas is $3 per gallon, the average person spends $135 per month, or $1,620 per year on fuel. that is 3.5% of the average person's income.


I wish! Wife commutes nearly 60 miles per day, equinox averages about 20mpg, but worse usually considering shes in traffic.


Luckily I don't have to drive much since, but still we're well north of $300 per month when you add in gas to take the kid back and forth to school, to the store on the weekend, etc.


Aside from car payments and mortgage its easily our biggest monthly expense.

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$3.86 in Kankakee IL.


I have a select few words for the last 3 countries listed but I feel like I'd get the big ol :banned: sign.


I remember 2 summers ago gas around my house dipped down to about $1.94 a gallon and it was AMAZING!


We stock piles about 100 gallons but when you own 2 trucks and an SUV that only lasted a few weeks.



My gas bill was $153 in February, $190 in March and I just go my April statement which is..... $215. Keeping in mind I drive on a routine and never much more out of the way.

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