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So if you remember I put that thread up where I had just gotten new tires for my wifes SUV and I wanted to clean them up... well here we are a few weeks later and I'm back from buying a new set.


While I was at the show on Sunday I get a text from her that all her tires are flat... someone decided to be a real jerk and slash them. So another $500+ later and I have 4 new tires AGAIN!! Only had a couple hundred miles on them GRRRRR... why could this have not happened when they were the OLD tires that needed replacing anyways?


People have no respect what so ever. :mad:

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Store parking lot. She had Tanner with her and after stopping to get a few things they were gonna head home and then to Knotts Berry Farm. Instead they got a ride in a AAA tow truck back home and Tanner sobbed the whole time b/c he didn't get to to go the amusement park. Not easy explaining to an autistic 4 year old that he can't go to Knotts b/c some jerk cut mommies tires for no reason.


Of course I couldn't do anything since I was an hour away at the car show.

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OMG!! That's pathetic! Why her car? It's an Equinox right? It doesn't stick out or anything so did she cut someone off in traffic or something?


Trying to figure these people out is impossible.



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What azzholes.... What goes around, comes around.

The moneys one thing, but to ruin your wifes and kids day is what would piss me off most. Sorry to hear about the bad news

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WTH? Why would someone do that? The only thing I could vaguely imagine is that some low life thought the car belonged to someone else that they were mad at. (Not that such a scenario makes it OK to slash someone's tires, but slashing all 4 speaks of someone that's really mad).


Anyway, insane. Any chance the shopping area has security cameras?

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Sorry to hear about this Dylan. Even if they were old tires that needed replacing I'd still be pissed. I consider vandals like this some of the lowest scum around and can't understand what would cause anyone to do such things.

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Alot of tire slashing has been going on in the core of Toronto recently. Reason being, its election time in Canada and the people who had Liberal signs on there lawn woke up the next moring to 4 slashed tires.


No respect!




What better way of saying "c'mon and join are way of thinking" then slashing someones tires

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I would really file a report and check on the store cameras, as suggested earlier. I'm just guessing but your tires were probably not the first ones slashed there, or the last.

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Dang sorry to hear that. Some people are real a-holes. About a week ago, someone slashed the tires on my neighbors RX 300. I feel bad for the guy because he always get up at 4am to go to work and obviously bust his you know what for what he has. Had that been mine, I would do whatever it took to find out who it was and then beat the crap out of them. Then by the time I'm getting out of jail, they should be pretty close be being healed and then I'd do it again. :mad:

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That's rough. Sounds like it all worked out okay, except for the little boys' disappointment.


What I want to know is where the heck do you get 4 tires for that truck for $500?! Took me $700 to put new shoes on my Silverado...nothing special just tires. Sounds like you got quite a deal.

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That is awful to hear man. My buddy got a new Camaro (as a first car!) last year and within a month someone slashed a tire and keyed it. We knew who did it so we got him back, but it was still a huge bummer.

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sorry to hear bro.. that happened to me a few years back right after I bought new tires..


Pays to know people LOL.


I paid in the range of $700 for the 22's on my truck :)

I thought the TBSS wheels are 20s?

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