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Adam's Forums Game...


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I am borrowing the idea for this game from another forum that I frequent. I thought it would be a fun little thing for us all to do and give us a reason to take our babies for a cruise (as if we needed a reason right!?)


How to play:


Pick a person, place, or thing to take a picture with that has an car in it. The first person who responds with the picture that satisfies the request gets to pick the next request. (all forum members are welcome to play)


Note: please try to make the requests do-able so that the game can continue.





1) No photoshop.


2) Please only post pictures of YOUR car, this way you will actually have to go out and take the picture.


3) Try and use a new picture.


4) No duplicate challenges - let's be creative but keep the challenges realistic so the game can continue. Cannot stress this one enough. Difficult and outlandish challenges, while amusing, will only cause the thread to stall. Remember, don't post a challenge if you are not prepared to complete it yourself...


5) If you are the poster who meets the picture challenge, please put your next request in a BOLD and BIGGER font so it's easy to find.


6) 6) IF the challenge isn't met within 5 days, the person who put the challenge up then has 24 hours to complete the challenge themselves. If they cannot complete their own challenge, they are docked one point, and the next challenge may be started by ANYONE, and is then considered the official challenge. IMPORTANT: If you do not intend/do not have the means to complete your posted challenge, then DON'T POST IT. This just slows the game down for everyone else.


7) No challenge is to be made that involves any of the following:


* illegal activities (this includes, but is not limited to: guns, drugs, street racing, thievery, and sexual activities involving minors).

* currency (the participants of this game will not be limited to those with immediate access to large amounts of funds. There is one thing that we each share, regardless of the size of our bank accounts - and that is the fact that we each drive some flavor of one of the greatest cars ever made.)

* ANY NSFW content

* Destruction of one's own property or any piece of public property

(The point is, lets keep the challenges legal and family safe)


1st Challenge: A photo of your car from above (looking down on your car). :2thumbs:

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Well to get things started here goes; :burnout:





So if this meets the requirements, then I say a photo of the bottom of your car, like ground level, or from on a lift or you know.:D



the only difference, you don't have to wait a month

and no voting:willy:


Shine On


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With this crew you might want to update this rule to include:


illegal activities (this includes, but is not limited to: guns, drugs, street racing, thievery, and sexual activities involving minors, adults, relatives or farm animals ).




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With this crew you might want to update this rule to include:


illegal activities (this includes, but is not limited to: guns, drugs, street racing, thievery, and sexual activities involving minors, adults, relatives or farm animals ).








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farm animals .





****. Thanks for spoiling the game.




We have one of these going on in the Mustang forum I belong to. We are only like 130 or something close. It's alot of fun when people play. Just gotta make sure no one says something ridiculous and people get turned off of the thread.

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That one was easy, I just needed to pull the car out of the garage and take a picture :D


Someone get me a picture of their car in front of a bowling ally :2thumbs:


One more day for someone to complete this challenge... I'll give it a shot if I can get a break in the weather long enough to take the car out.

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Aw man I just saw this and was gonna go out to the bowling ally by my house.





Does it have to be a large body of water? Does a puddle in a parking lot count? How about a small, man-made lake?

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Aw man I just saw this and was gonna go out to the bowling ally by my house.





Does it have to be a large body of water? Does a puddle in a parking lot count? How about a small, man-made lake?


If it's a body of water it counts ;)



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