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Customer Service 866.965.0400

2006 tbss blaaaaaaaaack :(


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So i didnt get befores because i started at night by washing the entire truck. My brother takes good care of this rig but te elements have taken their toll. It was covered in acid rain spots, and swirls. Just after 9 hours and multiple passes with the green pad theb followedsuit with the others until i reached near perfection. Here are a few quick pics i took afterwards.








It turned out VERY nice. There are hardly any visible hard water spots on the hood anymore. It had a flat black hockey stripe for a long time and you could always tell where it was after it was removed. Now it's gone and looks like it's brand new.

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thanks everyone! The pics don't do it justice.....unfortunately it was dark when i started and finished up and tried to snap some quick pics before the owner picked it up! But it was a long process but turned out 110% better!

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