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Hi folks. Looking forward to participating on this site and getting some helpful tips. I've been soaking up info from all the Junkman2000 and Adam's videos, and am looking forward to some serious polishing.

Got a Flex on the way!


I've been driving Audi's for 17yrs, but got this '05 A8 back in June. It's not in bad shape but could use some paint correction.

Any specific tips for this Oyster Gray metallic Paint?




My wife's car is this '07 white A4 convertible. Again, not in bad shape, but could use some correction. Flaws are less noticeable of course in this lighter color. Any differences in the polishing process between the dark, metallic paint and this gloss white paint?




Lastly, both cars have perhaps 10 paint chips or scratches that are beyond polish. Do you recommend something like Dr. Color Chip or Langka?





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Good taste in cars and names... I like this guy already :jester:


For polishing the cars, not really... polishing is polishing for the mostpart, although it will be much easier to see the defects on the darker color so thats a gift and a curse. You can see all the imperfections so flaws are more easily spotted, but b/c they're easier to see they're easier to correct. (if that makes any sense)


As for the chip repair... I'm personally a fan of the Langka system myself... a member here (Camaro5Ryan) did a great video 'how to' on the system. I'll see if I can dig it up.

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Good taste in cars and names... I like this guy already :jester:


For polishing the cars, not really... polishing is polishing for the mostpart, although it will be much easier to see the defects on the darker color so thats a gift and a curse. You can see all the imperfections so flaws are more easily spotted, but b/c they're easier to see they're easier to correct. (if that makes any sense)

Makes perfect sense. Good to know, once I learn one polishing process, it's roughly the same for all cars. I'm clearing out my garage now and hope to get some shop lights for a 'professional' work area. I'll post some pics of the setup as I go along. Nothing fancy, just getting the junk out of the way and organizing all the detailing stuff and tool. Ideally, I'll get a couple of flourescents on the side walls.

Junkman's video of the slow cut process to determine the clearcoat hardness is long and tedious, but at least I only have to do it once.


As for the chip repair... I'm personally a fan of the Langka system myself... a member here (Camaro5Ryan) did a great video 'how to' on the system. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Cool. I'll give it a shot. A link to that video would be great! The previous owner of each car used some touchup paint on a few of the scuffs, but didn't do it well. It looks more brushed on and way above the surface....poor, poor, poor. I think I can get some mineral spirits or laquer thinner to gently knock it down and then slowly build it back up with Langka before adding the clear.


Glad to be here.

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steve@adams does detail clinics in the area as well. I highly recommending going to the next one. And buying your Adam's products from him since you're in the ATL. :) I've had great experiences buying from Steve. And have learned a lot from the detail clinic I went to.

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steve@adams does detail clinics in the area as well. I highly recommending going to the next one. And buying your Adam's products from him since you're in the ATL. :) I've had great experiences buying from Steve. And have learned a lot from the detail clinic I went to.


I'll look for a clinic in Atlanta. I just scanned through the clinics link on this site and didn't see anything in the southeast other than Florida. I'll keep looking. A detailing clinic sounds like a blast. Thanks.

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Thanks so much. I finally figured out that the little icon with the mountain in it is the IMG one. I'm used to another forum format.


Last night, I watched your videos on speed of polishing. I should have a Flex arriving this week and was wondering specifically on that. Perfect demonstration.



For our purposes, Copacabana's tempo is very close to 120 beats per minute (or 2 per second).

Thus for 16 counts for the PC to travel 18", it's roughly 8 secs.

4 secs for the Flex and 2 secs for the Makita.


Or 2-1/4" per 18" for the PC, 4-1/2" per 18" for the Flex, and 9" per 18" for the Makita.



I'll post this in your FAQ area.


:loser: From your friendly nerdy, engineer OCD type.

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Thanks so much. I finally figured out that the little icon with the mountain in it is the IMG one. I'm used to another forum format.


Last night, I watched your videos on speed of polishing. I should have a Flex arriving this week and was wondering specifically on that. Perfect demonstration.



For our purposes, Copacabana's tempo is very close to 120 beats per minute (or 2 per second).

Thus for 16 counts for the PC to travel 18", it's roughly 8 secs.

4 secs for the Flex and 2 secs for the Makita.


Or 2-1/4" per 18" for the PC, 4-1/2" per 18" for the Flex, and 9" per 18" for the Makita.



I'll post this in your FAQ area.


:loser: From your friendly nerdy, engineer OCD type.


The only problem with putting it that way is you'll loose half the folks. As a music theory major in college, I can break a score down so far it'll glass you over by the time I'm done! :willy:


I'm a huge Pat Metheny Group fan. :thumbsup:

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The only problem with putting it that way is you'll loose half the folks. As a music theory major in college, I can break a score down so far it'll glass you over by the time I'm done! :willy:


I'm a huge Pat Metheny Group fan. :thumbsup:


Good point. I had already posted something in the FAQ regarding it. If you want to clarify it or want me to delete it altogether, let me know. No problem. The goal was to give folks a way to estimate time on a larger scale, plus apply it to a 24x24 area.


I'm not familiar with the Pat Metheny Group. I listened a bit on iTunes; light jazz. Relaxing.

My other 'semi'-profession is singing. I sing, compete, direct, arrange, judge, and do some basic vocal coaching all in the barbershop quartet and chorus arena. It's a passion, and fortunately is a hobby that more than pays for itself (unlike most hobbies....like detailing).

If you are interested, I'll mail you a CD from my latest quartet. It's more Great American Songbook era stuff.....just a small token of my appreciation for all the awesome info you have given this forum and so many others. I actually found your videos before I found the Adam's website and this forum.


Thanks again.

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Nice cars. :2thumbs:


Thanks so much. I always buy used, but have been addicted to Audi's forever.

'86 GT Coupe->'96 A4->'97 A4->'00 S4 (loved her)->'01 allroad->'00 A8-> and finally the '05 A8 which I just LOVE.

My wife was/is a VW fan, but fell in love with the white A4 cabrio when I brought one home as a loaner last year. So we sold her Passat wagon, and I found the perfect specimen for her back in February.

She's all grins now. Plus I now gladly detail her car regularly which we both like. Can't have a dirty Audi in my stable. She's not quite as....um.....anal/OCD about her vehicles as I am.

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Good point. I had already posted something in the FAQ regarding it. If you want to clarify it or want me to delete it altogether, let me know. No problem. The goal was to give folks a way to estimate time on a larger scale, plus apply it to a 24x24 area.


I'm not familiar with the Pat Metheny Group. I listened a bit on iTunes; light jazz. Relaxing.

My other 'semi'-profession is singing. I sing, compete, direct, arrange, judge, and do some basic vocal coaching all in the barbershop quartet and chorus arena. It's a passion, and fortunately is a hobby that more than pays for itself (unlike most hobbies....like detailing).

If you are interested, I'll mail you a CD from my latest quartet. It's more Great American Songbook era stuff.....just a small token of my appreciation for all the awesome info you have given this forum and so many others. I actually found your videos before I found the Adam's website and this forum.


Thanks again.


That was quite a write up and I responded to it. Paint correction is nowhere near as complicated as you have broke it down to be and your descriptions would loose 90% of the folks who read it. That's why I use the KISS method. People actually stick around for the entire video series even though they are long in the tooth. You especially have to do that with a novice to paint correction. The only reason I started making videos was because I couldn't find any that were like mine. They were either way too short or way to Greek.


Pat Metheny is a multi-Grammy Award winning artist. One of the guitars he play has 47 strings! To call it light jazz is way too simple. Check out this contraption he built and the music he composed to make this thing play. Holy cow, this is unreal.


<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VymAn8QJNQ?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VymAn8QJNQ?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>


Now tell me that you guys are on You Tube. I would love to hear your music. I am a fan of a good barber shop quartet!

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That was quite a write up and I responded to it. Paint correction is nowhere near as complicated as you have broke it down to be and your descriptions would loose 90% of the folks who read it. That's why I use the KISS method. People actually stick around for the entire video series even though they are long in the tooth. You especially have to do that with a novice to paint correction. The only reason I started making videos was because I couldn't find any that were like mine. They were either way too short or way to Greek.


Pat Metheny is a multi-Grammy Award winning artist. One of the guitars he play has 47 strings! To call it light jazz is way too simple. Check out this contraption he built and the music he composed to make this thing play. Holy cow, this is unreal.


<EMBED height=390 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=640 src=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VymAn8QJNQ?version=3 allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always">


Now tell me that you guys are on You Tube. I would love to hear your music. I am a fan of a good barber shop quartet!


That is TOO cool! Much slicker and complex than the clip I listened to on iTunes. You are right. "Light jazz" doesn't do it justice.



My most successful quartet was State Line Grocery (yeah I know, weird name). We retired in early 2010, but medaled in 2007 (4th), 2008 (3rd), and 2009 (4th) at the international competitions. Very fun times. I sing tenor in the group....the little guy on the right. There's not much on youtube due to copyright stuff, but here are a couple of youtube clips:


Blue Moon of Kentucky from our 2nd CD, "Restocked":


Glad Rag Doll from a late night live performance at an after party down in Florida:


All of our contest songs from 2005-2009 are on iTunes also, 6 songs from each year plus a track we did on a Nashville compilation album. Our two albums aren't on iTunes.

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So we have us a local celeb! How are the You Tube sales? That's the way to go these days. Screw the record companies, they have been screwing the artist for decades. I'll need to check you guys out when I get home. I'll see if you are are ready for Andy Griffith! :lolsmack:


I'm a big fan of the Daltons. :D

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So we have us a local celeb! How are the You Tube sales? That's the way to go these days. Screw the record companies, they have been screwing the artist for decades. I'll need to check you guys out when I get home. I'll see if you are are ready for Andy Griffith! :lolsmack:


I'm a big fan of the Daltons. :D


"Local celeb" :lol::lol::lol:

Perhaps a big, scratch that, medium fish in a tiny pond.


iTunes and Youtube proceeds: $0.

The youtube stuff is just pirated from shows or us sitting around that someone did a recording of.

The iTunes stuff is property of the Barbershop Harmony Society since it's from the contests.


Our CDs are a private venture, but again, at our small quantities, we pay them off and that's about it.

For a run of say 1000 CDs:

-ASCAP is about $.10 per non-public domain song PER CD. Cost: ~$1200.

-Artwork etc was cheap as we had 'a guy in the business'. Cost: 1 dinner.

-Engineering and recording was cheapER as we had 'a guy in the business'. Cost: several dinners, and some recording equipment ~$1200.

-Mastering. Cost: ~$500

-Duplication is ~$2.50/CD I don't remember exactly. Cost: $2500

-Travel expenses for multiple recording sessions in Tennessee. Cost: $300


Total: $5700 for that run.

Subsequent runs would just be the ASCAP and duplication fees.


We charge $15/CD and would sell maybe 50 on a show weekend. The CDs are also sold at the Barbershop HQ and two acapella music sites where they buy 30-60 at a time. We get $9 each for those.


So if we sell all the first 1000 at a $12 average: $12000-5700 = $6300.

Divide that by 4 guys: $1575 each. Woohoo!!!!

We did two 1000 runs of each CD and have maybe 250 left of the 2nd one. The first is sold out other than a few personal ones.

As you can see, it's not a money-makin' venture, but it sure is a fun hobby.

We also get all expenses paid for our shows plus about a $1800 talent fee on average. We would do maybe 10 shows a year. Then again contests, coaching, arrangements, outfits, etc are NOT paid for which eats most of that up.

I get maybe $80-100 for a coaching session plus expenses if they are flying me somewhere. My judging is free, but all expenses are paid. This hobby has taken me to about 35 states plus Canada, England, Germany, and Austrailia too, all free. It's been a wonderful opportunity to perform for people and offer my little bit of talent to help them.

On average, I would clear maybe a few thousand a year after expenses.

But it sho' is fun!


If you used all original songs and you were a solo artist, then the ASCAP fees would be gone and the money wouldn't get divided. That would help a lot. Now you just have to sell them.

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