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Screw on spout for gallon containers?

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I find it difficult to refill the bottles even with a funnel because when I tilt the gallon jug back, the product runs all down the side of the jug...


Adam's, is it possible to look into a screw on nozzle the attaches to the gallon containers and its bendable like a straw... so the pouring action is more user-friendly?


They have some at walmart, but none that fit Adam's jugs ..

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Would this work for you?

Adam's Gallon Pump Dispenser


Adams sells the pumps!! Except I find the straw to stiff to bend so you have to cut it. Takes 2 seconds. I have sense moved to gallons And the pumps are Awesome and certainly a saver ofproduct!!!


I use the pumps as well.. they make life so much easier when you blow through product!



I HATE those **** pumps. They pump fine, but they drip like made and if you want to keep it screwed down when not in use you end up spilling product all over the place because you have to spin the spout while screwing it down.


I'd rather have something like the OP requested or even a nozzle like on the dish soap bottle where it pops up and you just squeeze the jug a bit.



Although I do use the funnel with no problems so really I just use that.

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the Pump is a great solution..


I HATE those **** pumps. They pump fine, but they drip like made and if you want to keep it screwed down when not in use you end up spilling product all over the place because you have to spin the spout while screwing it down.


I'd rather have something like the OP requested or even a nozzle like on the dish soap bottle where it pops up and you just squeeze the jug a bit.



Although I do use the funnel with no problems so really I just use that.


if you're going to screw it down, you might as well unscrew and pump whats already in the tube/straw back into the gallon container, or on your last pump filling your bottle, push down all the way, then make the turn..

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I personally find the funnels are more than up to the task. They also cost me nothing which I like. My DS is in a 5 gallon container so I just let it flow right on in the bottle with the funnel attached.

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