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The Lamborghini Project

Team Adam's

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Pretty cool when you consider its all just done with lighting effects.


<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/33167496?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="750" height="422" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p>One of the world’s most elite cars recently became a canvas for The Media Merchants, who produced an exclusive audio-visual projection mapping event centered around the Lamborghini Reventon.<br />

<br />

http://themediamerchants.ca<br />

<br />


Projection Mapping: The Media Merchants<br />

Creative Technical Director: Anthony Diehl<br />

Technical Coordinator: Jordan Ciurcovich<br />

Animation Director: Stuart Langfield<br />

Sound Design: Mitch Lee for Redemption Audio<br />

Post Production: JUMP Studios<br />

Videography: Perfect Pictures, Van Media<br />

Director of Photography: Dan Dumouchel<br />

Lamborghini Reventon: SR Auto Group</p>

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They are doing some AWESOME stuff with projection mapping these days. Cinderella's castle at Disney world now has it. There are 4 Christi Liquid nitrogen cooled projectors atop tomorrow land and the entrance to frontier land above the restaurant for a total of 8pj's.


Everyone in the crowed is drooling asking how they do that to each other saying its magic and only Disney can dream something like this up....All the while grinning inside knowing how they do it, the technology behind it and how its exploding in popularity.


Some awesome stuff :)

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