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Need advice ASAP pls



Bout to head out to do a wash including stripping it to do some minor correcting and rewax. I know alot of you use dawn soap, but I seem to only have Palmolive Aroma Therapy and Palmolive Antibacterial dish wash soap. Is this ok or should i go purchase something else and what kind? thank you in advance.

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6 answers to this question

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Dawn (plain ol' simple dawn dish soap) seems to work best for stripping. I figure if it can get oil off a seagull then wax on a car is easy. You can pick up a small bottle for a couple of bucks at 7-11 or something. I don't know abouyt the soap you have, sounds a little too froophy to me. :-)

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You can also add some APC (probably like 4 oz.) to your wash bucket to strip the old wax also. I've used dawn a couple times to strip the wax, never used the APC.


Forgot about that alternative. Assuming you have some APC, much better than having to leave the house for some soap.

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Do you have any isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol? Mix 50/50 with water and you're ready to strip whatever protection you on the area.


Just do a regular 2 bucket wash, then spray the IPA mixture on the panel and remove with a microfiber towel. Only takes a short time to do the whole car, and you are not touching the trim.

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