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43 years of grease and grime....



I need some advice. I have a '68 camaro. I'm going to refinish the engine compartment, wheel wells and frame this winter. The underside of the car and the engine compartment have never been really cleaned in 43 years. The grease fittings on the tie rods are caked with grime and grease. I'm not looking to protect the finish since I'm repainting everything once it's clean. I need something to clean it all off and not leave a residue so the paint will stick. Any ideas or suggestions? i'm thinking of using oven cleaner and then pressure wash it first, then wiping it all down with paint thinner before painting a primer and finish coat.

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8 answers to this question

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I don't think I'd use oven cleaner. APC full strength sounds much safer to me. Heavy grease I'd get out scrapers then hit it with APC let it work for a while then pressure wash. Repeat as necessary. When you say paint thinner are you referring to mineral spirits?

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable shortly.

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Just be careful about using a cleaner like oven cleaner and than pressure washing, need to be sure and wear saftey glasses to keep from getting it in your eyes...

I think all purpose cleaner and brushing, pressure wash and repeat as many times as needed.. along with scraper use, will do the trick.. The more you take apart and the harder you work on it, the better it will last and look in the end...

Good Luck should be a very nice car when you get done... Take lots of pictures...

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Spray Adam's All Purpose Cleaner [full-blown] liberally and let it sit for several minutes.... do this twice.


After you've let it sit for several minutes the second time around, take a brush like Adam's Fender & Tire Brush and scrub the areas in question.


Rinse thoroughly with good water pressure [pressure washer is optional] while continuing to scrub with the brush.


Keep us updated.

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You're on the right track with full-strength APC, long soak times, and a pressure washer. Make sure that you wear goggles, too! The only thing that I'd do differently is buy a CHEAP scrub brush to use instead of ruining your I'm-better-than-that Adam's brushes! It will be shot in about 15 minutes and not salvageable.

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