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Bless Global Warming



It's January 9'th and as of yesterday, I'm still washing my car in the driveway. :banana:


I just yesterday put in my winter mats and was able to vacuum out the car. I noticed my leather was looking pretty dingy, so I dragged out the LIC and LC products. Somehow I got a sticky blob UFO (unidentified food object) on the passenger seat. I'm happy to report the LIC worked its magic and the LC shined and softened up the leather nicely. I trashed the LC before, but with every use I like it more and more. I used a micorsoft towel to apply it and lightly buffed it in to the leather. This worked better than a foam applicator.


The MSS and Americana is holding up well on the exterior, as we only had salt once this winter! My DS is running low, so I'll have to order another gallon shortly. It is still my favorite Adam's product, along with the car wash. I think the regular use of this in my drying routine prolongs my sealed shine.

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Its been crazy weather here in ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Southern Oregon</st1:place>. We have had very little snow this year especially in the mountains. We got a little dusting of snow in early November which is normal, but since then it has been extremely dry. Its been cold highs in the 40s and lows in the teens but no snow. It pored down rain for 1 day right after Christmas and that is all the precipitation we have had.


Last year was one of the wettest winters on record in my area. And this year its been one of the driest. This winter reminds me of the 2000-2001 winter when we had a huge drought and the government shut off the water to our farmers and ranchers. I really hope that does not happen this year. They are a huge part of our economy and the last thing we want is for them to not get there water.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comP><P><st1:place w:st=<st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Klamath</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Lake</st1:PlaceType></st1:place> (the source of our farmers/ ranchers water) is right now at 31% of average capacity for January, last year at this time it was at 165%. Its starting to get scary.



At least my truck stays a little cleaner.

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i wish i was back in Midland right now... they got a foot of snow yesterday! my wife is there now for work. too bad it will all be melted by the end of today! thats the 2nd time this winter they've got snow; they usually only get a couple inches each year.

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Agreed..this weather is crazy..but nice to see. If this was Rochester winters going forward I wouldnt be so miserable at all up here.


Side story: Was out walking the dog Sunday and walk by these folks washing their SUV. The husband is using a snow brush as his wash brush. He's rubbing on the tires with it then goes and starts washing the doors. No rinse between (even though it was only one bucket to boot). I walk past to see the wife on the other side with a fender brush washing the doors.


I walked by just chuckling to myself and contemplating "is there a way to be a good citizen and approach folks like this and give them my number or do I come off like a prick in pointing out their flaws?"


He was using one of these: 6253598_hpo_2610xm_pri_larg.jpg


She had something like this:


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I hear ya on that man, awesome to have at least 50 degrees and sunshine to be washin' and waxin'. Although I will say its a catch 22 for me. After having just bought a Jeep and getting 4x4 I could really use some snow to have some fun in. Well, maybe just one day of snow then it can all go away.

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