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Santa Claus Visits The Junkman!


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Now I know what you're thinking. "What did he bring you?" you're asking. Well it wasn't Santa who brought the gifts, it was me! I brought Santa the gift of gleam and grub. A shine to die for and a tight belly to end the day. Santa called me up and asked if he could visit the Junkman's garage. I said, "Sure!" So we set up a day that I could show him my magic.


Check out the damage that was in Santa's sled. As you can see, he had the usual swirl damage.




... but he also had some more wicked action going on!









Now Santa is no stranger to work so once I gave him all the instructions that he needed as a novice to machine polishing, I gave him the PC and allowed him to go at it. Santa's identity is being concealed for obvious reasons. :D







After the first pass with SHR, Santa could not believe his eyes. The paint was almost flawless with the first pass! So we did another pass, did some passes with FMP and took some pictures.

















Santa was so happy, that he gave me some lucky white beard and told me that it would be full as his by December. I can't wait! Before he left, it began to grow so we took one more picture.




Oh shucks, I think I just outed Santa Claus! :D

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Nope. It's way too cold at the north pole for any "brutha'" elves. :lolsmack:


Now that is funny.. Great Job,, Really makes a difference and shows what a difference alittle PC work can show.


I think Santa forget the Batteries in some toys this year,, now I know who I am looking for.

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Now that is funny.. Great Job,, Really makes a difference and shows what a difference alittle PC work can show.


I think Santa forget the Batteries in some toys this year,, now I know who I am looking for.


He's got body doubles. Don't shoot the wrong one. :lolsmack:


Most folks think that they would need a Flex to remove that kind of damage. That is why I like showing what the PC is capable of. When used correctly with a solid technique, you can work wonders with that machine.

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