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Experiment: Bare Hand Washing



so this was only an experiment. if i swirled up my paint using my bare hands, then i get to spend a day using my PC to fix it! more therapy, IMO!



Monday afternoon, i get off work at 4:30pm and can't wait to wash my truck after 3 weeks of inclimate weather. i check the forecast for the week, and it shows 30% chance of rain all week. i can live with those odds, so i do a full 2 bucket wash on my truck!


Tuesday morning, i'm about to leave for work when i noticed it was raining :mad:. oh well its a 3 mile trip to work and back and i park in a garage. when i get home that afternoon, i look at the condition of the truck and it looks dirtier than before i washed it! but then i had this idea:


it was still drizzling outside, so i thought, what if i sprayed the whole truck down with WW, let it soak and lift the dirt flung on the paint from the tires/wet roads?


i did that, but instead of wiping the WW off with a towel, i hosed the truck down with my pressure washer. it helped but didn't get all the dirt off. while inspecting the still dirty paint, i rubbed a spot with my finger, and like nothing the dirt was lifted! i then got the idea:


what if i got my DS out and clayed the truck, but without any clay? just using my bare, clean hands and lubing the paint with DS.


so i did this across the entire truck, while it is still drizzling outside. after done, i simply hosed the truck down to remove DS residue/dirt and the truck looked as clean as the day before!



so some of the advantages i found by doing this:

  • less equipment used than a full 2 bucket wash (DS, hose, water supply)
  • less time consuming than a 2 bucket wash (took about 5 minutes)
  • no wax/sealant removed from paint (i don't think)

keep in mind i wouldn't recommend this normally, however, it was raining outside, i was just trying to get the dirt off the truck that i worked so hard to clean off the day before, and it was raining, so i didn't even bother drying the truck off afterwards!


so if you find yourself in a pickle with a just washed car in a rainstorm, and you hate to see it dirty... this just might work!!! So, Who thinks I'm nuts?

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i looked over it in the day light today, and i didn't see any damage. the truck is white after-all :D


i wouldn't say it was non-treated. no i wasn't using car shampoo, but i was applying a generous amount of DS before wiping the dirt off, and rinsing my hand off after each panel. all the panels were wet from rain and a pre-rinse, and i immediately rinsed everything off with the hose, while it was still raining.


like i said, i was just messing around, whats the fun in detailing if you can only use a polisher once or twice a year :D so i figured i couldn't screw it up that bad, and if i did get any marring/swirls, the PC would probably knock them down in one pass.

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Are your palms hairy???




Here's what I think:


We should take up a collection and buy Ryan some more towels! :lolsmack:


- Darryl


That sure would be nice to add to the collection i already have in my 3'x2'x3' (LWH), 4 drawer cabinet!


there really was no point to wasting a clean towel or pulling out the whole 2 bucket wash system... since i did that the day prior, it was already raining, and the dirt didn't have time to dry up onto the paint since it was just from one 3 mile roundtrip to/from work. and rain is yet again in the forecast for Friday!


honestly, it wasn't THAT dirty. my dirty, and a homeless man's dirty are on 2 opposite sides of the spectrum. it was a very light sprinkle from the tires driving down wet roads.

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