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detail spray reacting with other products



I saw this thread on another forum and was wondering if there is anything to this (see quote below). It would seem odd to me there is any issue...


I tried to put the link in but there might be some rules stopping it...




"so , i talked to adam himself. for about 15 min we chatted about everything and it turns out its just a case of products not getting along.


i told him i use 105, 205 and optimum products as my primary products, turns out this adams detail spray may just not get along with the other products.

he was saying that it would be like adding a drop of oil into water the way i am combining these products.


i like other adams products like their in and out spray. their interior cleaner is alright too if you dilute it quite a bit. its way strong."

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...I am new to the forum here and interested in car detailing. Is this the right forum for me posting questions like this...


Yes, it is. Ask away and we'll all answer you, though some of the folks around here answer somewhat incoherently.:jester:

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Use all Adam's products = problem solved


I haven't met an Adam's product that I didn't like


I thank Dylan for his response that makes sense with any product(s) you are using when going from 1 process to another (this would include all Adam product scenarios also if I understand it right. . I found another post of Dylan's that really summed it up for me:


"Detail Spray won't have any negative impact on your coating of wax, the only thing we discourage is using them too close together time wise. Do not use Detail Spray to aid in the removal of wax residues, and avoid it for at least a few minutes after application and don't use it to prime the applicator. There have been some cases where the Detail Spray and Americana have a little spat and end up looking cloudy.


Once the wax is fully cured then theres absolutely no problem using Detail Spray over it."


I am new to the forum here and interested in car detailing. Is this the right forum for me posting questions like this...

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Thanks for the thoughtful and clear feedback. Just to clarify I did not hear Adam say they were incompatibilities... the quote was from another guy on the ******** forum.


The wax interaction makes sense and I can see where that would be a rare issue. At this point I would more believe the guy was venting about other issues that lead to the mis-quote.


I just got some detail spray from you guys this week so I will be giving it a try. I currently do not have Adam seal or wax on but you have taken care of any concerns I had with the detail spray interacting...

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What r u guys talking about as far as the "what adams did to the other bottles" did u guys mix em or being sarcastic. Sorry im kinda lost lol


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They are being sarcastic saying the bottles came to life and got in a fight with other brands. Lol.

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Sorry I should have put detail spray in more than the title... This was all in reference to Adams detail spray. The last line of the quote regarding other products I should not have copied it is not relative to my question.


The complaint was if you use non-adams polishes and or waxes that the detail spray would cause streaking on the paint. The quote is a conversation they said they had with Adam himself that confirmed that... so basically he was saying if you use 105, 205 or optima products do not buy Adams detail spray as it could/will streak.


From what I have seen the detail spray is good stuff... I just would question using it or atleast would like to understand what to watch out for if it somehow interacts with other products below...hopefully that clears up my question..


Maybe you were misunderstanding Adam...


There isn't going to be any 'reaction' like that between a polish and detail spray... especially when you consider that a polish is removed after its use leaving relatively little behind on the surface other than potentially some polishing oils.


The ONLY reaction issue we know to exist is with DS and some carnuba waxes if used closely in conjunction with each other. If detail spray is sprayed on a panel shortly before, or during the removal of, some waxes a little hazing can occur. Even that is isolated and only happens in a handful of cases.

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Sorry I should have put detail spray in more than the title... This was all in reference to Adams detail spray. The last line of the quote regarding other products I should not have copied it is not relative to my question.


The complaint was if you use non-adams polishes and or waxes that the detail spray would cause streaking on the paint. The quote is a conversation they said they had with Adam himself that confirmed that... so basically he was saying if you use 105, 205 or optima products do not buy Adams detail spray as it could/will streak.


From what I have seen the detail spray is good stuff... I just would question using it or atleast would like to understand what to watch out for if it somehow interacts with other products below...hopefully that clears up my question..

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I'll second this - I put my APC in the same cabinet as some 409 -


wasn't pretty. The 409 was missing teeth - half the label was bloody and I'm not even going into what the Adam's Glass Cleaner did to the Windex bottle.


Sheesh... spent half the weekend mopping up that mess.


Hmmmm... my Adams products haven't gotten into any fights with the other household cleaning products but the other household cleaning products are showing signs of neglect and abandonment - faded labels, dusty tops, yellowed and hazed plastics...


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I'll second this - I put my APC in the same cabinet as some 409 -


wasn't pretty. The 409 was missing teeth - half the label was bloody and I'm not even going into what the Adam's Glass Cleaner did to the Windex bottle.


Sheesh... spent half the weekend mopping up that mess.




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Guest Gone & Forgotten

I'll second this - I put my APC in the same cabinet as some 409 -


wasn't pretty. The 409 was missing teeth - half the label was bloody and I'm not even going into what the Adam's Glass Cleaner did to the Windex bottle.


Sheesh... spent half the weekend mopping up that mess.

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