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Moved in...


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Well we got moved into our new home which went smoothly and without issue. Priorities being what they are, I needed to get my Adams products put away. My plan is to store all the big stuff in the basement, and then use an area off the laundry room which is right off the garage, to store the buckets which will have all the normal wash items. This photo doesn't show any of the tools or applicators, which are still out in the garage. I need to come up with some sort of cabinet for all of the stuff. I'm thinking about checking out Habitate Restore to see if they have any decent cabinets I can use. Right now all the stuff is sitting in boxes on the floor. 6140d5ba-201e-b627.jpg




I have A LOT of stuff to go through and toss. It was too cold to do it before we moved though.



Sent from the past using special algorithms and data nodes!

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Congratulations on the new home, now you and the family can look forward to settling in. Nice mower, also have a Honda mower. Made in the USA.


THAT is the best mower EVER! Freaking LOVE IT!


They're building them for JD now too! :thumbsup:


Thanks guys!



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Thanks guys! We're stoked! It's just a TON of stuff to do though. Have you ever tried installing a washer and dryer with a 17 month old in the house and no mom to help keep him occupied? UGH! It got to a point where I wanted to grab onto the hot legs of the dryer cord an plug it in. lol


Slowly but surely, we're getting settled.


My dad bought that snowblower new in '78 or '79 and then passed it down to me when it got hard to start and take care of. I fixed all the issues with it, and it puts the new ones to shame!

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