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Great News


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So as most of you know me and the wife are both active duty enlisted in the USAF. Well, today we got some good news. My wife through tireless dedication and hard work got a promotion to the rank of SMSgt, which is a grade of E-8 to those unfamiliar with the military rank structure. It is a ultra competitive grade, where many factors come in to play for selection. It is congretionally mandated that only 2% of the AF can serve in the grade of E-8, and 1% can serve in the grade of E-9. She completed all that was required of her, completed her Master's degree, started her Doctorate and had a baby all in the same year!! An oh yeah, she was in the desert fighting the bad guys for 6 months last year.


I just wanted to post this to the online fam to show how proud I am of her. She is truly in anspiration to me, and everyone she knows. It just goes to show you what a lot of hard work can accomplish, something many people in this country have seemed to gotten away from.


Here you go....and I think the most impressive number is, she is still young and has only been in the AF for 16 years. She is well ahead of the power curve.




Thanks for reading!!!



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congrats, thats awesome man!


im sure thats very exciting and makes all the hardwork payoff to get into something that "exclusive"


Yeah, it's great man, thank you. The funny part is she will always outrank me, no matter what I do, she's that good. But I am not complaining right? I'll let her run the kids at work, but she know who runs this household, bwahahaha (just don't tell her).:lolsmack:

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First I want to say that I am disappointed that this thread is not about the Dasia Sandero.


Second, and more importantly, that is great news. As an AF vet I know what a big deal that is. A freind of mine teaches the Senior NCO courses at Lackland and I know how difficult that is. So here is to her continued success and that she makes chief or gets a diamond soon. Hooahhh.


Third, GREAT NEWS!!! The Dasia Sandero is getting a face lift for 2012!!!


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LOL! meh maybe just the garage and cars :D


as a celebration gift does she get a Q7 :thumbsup:


She actually wants one believe it or not...but 2 paid off vehicles feels too dang good on the bank account, haha. Maybe in the future. I think she's thinking Ipad 3. She uses my gen1 all the time. I was thinking about trading my gen1 into Amazon for $260 before the price plummets.

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First I want to say that I am disappointed that this thread is not about the Dasia Sandero.


Second, and more importantly, that is great news. As an AF vet I know what a big deal that is. A freind of mine teaches the Senior NCO courses at Lackland and I know how difficult that is. So here is to her continued success and that she makes chief or gets a diamond soon. Hooahhh.


Third, GREAT NEWS!!! The Dasia Sandero is getting a face lift for 2012!!!


Thanks David, I appreciate the kind words! She has always thought about going the First Sergeant route, but that's a 3 year tour, and she would never make Chief while she had the diamond on, it just doesn't happen. The only people that ever get promoted as a shirt, have been a shirt for a long time. She has a much better chance at getting promoted first or second shot without the diamond. Although when she dropped the diamond, she would be a shoe in for chief. But that's the long route.

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Yeah it is a long road. But a good shirt is worth their weight in gold. I had a crappy shirt so I like seeig good people go after it. Is she planning on retiring at 20 or hanging out for a bit? Sounds like she is a lifer.

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Yeah it is a long road. But a good shirt is worth their weight in gold. I had a crappy shirt so I like seeig good people go after it. Is she planning on retiring at 20 or hanging out for a bit? Sounds like she is a lifer.


Well, we are under the Top 3 retirement plan. So at 19.5 or so she'll have had SMSgt on for 3 years, and I doubt she will stop there, it's just not in her DNA. She pretty much sealed her fate to stay in and make Chief. That's my opinion anyways, but the moving and the deployments get to you after a while. We are really itching for a normal life and just settle down in one spot that we can call home...so you never know.


You speak the truth about the shirts, you can tell the ones that are in it for the good of the people (their job) and the ones that aren't. Right now I have an awesome shirt, and we are good friends. He works to better the lifes of the Airman, and that's what it's all about.

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Congrats! That's awesome! Maybe I'll run into you guys around town, will def give her a salute (you'll be fine without one :P). Seriously though I'm really happy for you guys and am really glad all her hard work is paying off. Being overseas for months, and getting her Masters, and having a kid?! Makes me feel like a loser complaining about my midterms next week, haha.

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Man I am so happy for you and the newly promoted E-8!!! :bow:


I really know how hard it is to reach the rank. Espically now a days. That is what I call the Elite of the enlisted. Just talked with a friend of mine in Camp Pendleton. He is fixing to retire. We went in the corps together. I got out a E-6. He is a E-9 MGySgt. The Top Dog.. We were just talking about how hard it is to get promoted and that is why I had gotten out,, in my field, promotions were not happening. So I know what kind of accomplishment that is ,, and for 16 years to hit the mark means she is in that top PERCENT that get it right.. So for that I can say to you and her :cheers:

Now she is on top of the chain of command at the home front right???? :D

I as a Marine, I thank you guys and the time you spend for this country.


Best of both world,, new promotion and new addition to the family. What a time for a promotion... That always helps when you just had a little one.


AGAIN CONGRATS and I mean this.. :bow::grouphug:

Edited by GaryW
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First I want to say that I am disappointed that this thread is not about the Dasia Sandero.




Third, GREAT NEWS!!! The Dasia Sandero is getting a face lift for 2012!!!



:lolsmack: Love the reference; that's always the first thing I think of too when someone exclaims "great news"


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXi_aFK2r9Y]TopGear: Great news about the Dacia Sandero - YouTube[/ame]

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Thanks Gary..great post and you can tell the passion behind it.


I'll let her know even the marines are happy for her!:thumbsup:


Man I am so happy for you and the newly promoted E-8!!! :bow:


I really know how hard it is to reach the rank. Espically now a days. That is what I call the Elite of the enlisted. Just talked with a friend of mine in Camp Pendleton. He is fixing to retire. We went in the corps together. I got out a E-6. He is a E-9 MGySgt. The Top Dog.. We were just talking about how hard it is to get promoted and that is why I had gotten out,, in my field, promotions were not happening. So I know what kind of accomplishment that is ,, and for 16 years to hit the mark means she is in that top PERCENT that get it right.. So for that I can say to you and her :cheers:

Now she is on top of the chain of command at the home front right???? :D

I as a Marine, I thank you guys and the time you spend for this country.


Best of both world,, new promotion and new addition to the family. What a time for a promotion... That always helps when you just had a little one.


AGAIN CONGRATS and I mean this.. :bow::grouphug:

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:lolsmack: Love the reference; that's always the first thing I think of too when someone exclaims "great news"


I am glad I am not the only one. I have the picture in my photo bucket specifically for the threads that exclaim "Great News."



@ Gary, you should have joined the airforce. My old Cheif (E-9) was promoted 11 times. Yes, you did the math correctly, now read between the lines.

Edited by dipolley
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I am glad I am not the only one. I have the picture in my photo bucket specifically for the threads that exclaim "Great News."


They continued the gag in this year's series as well.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVP76nfIoSY]Top Gear : Dacia Lodgy - YouTube[/ame]

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I am glad I am not the only one. I have the picture in my photo bucket specifically for the threads that exclaim "Great News."



@ Gary, you should have joined the airforce. My old Cheif (E-9) was promoted 11 times. Yes, you did the math correctly, now read between the lines.


When I enlisted back in the day,,,, 4 of us kept going back and forth between Navy,, Marines and Airforce.. we all 4 went Marines,,

2 of us got out due to no promtions,, Was in promotion zone 4 times,, so out we chose,, 1 got out and and went in the Army where he got promtoed many times and retired as a Col. The other Just retired from the Corps as E-9.


Many of Times I wish I had went into the Airforce, my younger brother did and he loved it.. My Daughter is looking possibly at the Military tied in wih College. Told her Airforce all the way... :patriot:


Always a good thing to see people get promoted and quickly, espcially for a woman to make it up high in the ranks!!

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thats awesome! i've always told people if i never would've been accepted into the 4-year college i wanted, instead of going to junior college i would've enlisted in the military. Great news is, i got accepted. Bad news is i'll never get to fly an F-22 :(

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Thanks guys, I appreciate it!


You do know what this means right?


I can buy more Adams stuff, haha.


I had thought about that earlier,,, New Baby,, New Promotion,, New Flex, Detail Spay,, Double Soft Towels,,,,,,,, :jester:

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