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Great hose completely made in US!


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Hi all - I'd just like to let everyone know that there is a very good non-kinking hose made completely in the US called the [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4GBrH_UeTU&feature=relmfu]Tuffguard Hose[/ame]. It is made in Hannibal Missouri - I asked - and it doesn't get kinked under the tires because it is made with a wire helix, but it is easy to reel in too. I found this page with videos if anyone is interested in seeing it in action. I really appreciate anything that helps me find "Made in the US" products - for a long time there really was nothing, and I'm all for buying American!

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In the video on the site, he kinks it with his hand as you would do if you wanted to briefly stop the flowing of the water. D you think it's possible to do with this hose? Maybe he just wasn't grabbing it tight enough or something?

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Thats awesome... I'm gonna pick one up. I currently use my Made in the USA Goodyear hose for everything, but I'm always open to getting something new. Nice find!


Ive got the same hose and it always gets my hands all black!

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Lets see.............We have wash pads, wash buckets, rolling bases for our buckets, nozzles, brushes all made in the USA!!!!!!!! Adam do we see an opportunity!!!!! The only problem I see with this is that Adam would have to eventually bottle up some of that Colorado Kool aid to complete the Adams Premium Wax Products Car Wash Euphoria!!!!

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I'm going to order one of these, I cannot stand my Costco grey hose! Although MADE IN AMERICA, it continually kinks during washing the fleet and it drives me nuts :willy:


I'm returning it and putting the money towards this hose. Gotta love that ironclad Costco return policy :D

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Those are so tempting, but I'm having trouble getting the wife on board to spend $100 on a hose.


Tell her it's on sale for $50. Borrow $50 from a friend, pay him back when she doesn't know about it.:banana:You haven't been married long huh?:lol:

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