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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Bmw z4

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This belongs to one of my neighbors. This is the same neighbor that told me I'm not suppose to be washing my truck before 8:00am due to HOA laws.


This was just the exterior. Wash, clay, polish, and wax. I did 2xSSR on the hood then 1xSHR and 1xFMP the rest. I topped it all off with BG & APW.



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very nice, might be doing one of these as my friends dad is having me do his tahoe first. From tahoe to Z4 should be quite the size difference haha. Nice clean up man, that red was nasty before and after you were done it was amazing!

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Is the owner of the car a lawyer? Sheesh.


That person needs to get a life. It's not like you are running a lawn mower or string trimmer...


And by the way, DAYUM! That red is gorgeous now - was pretty nasty before. I assume you used a Flex on that hard clear?

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